Saturday, May 4, 2013

Android Cannot Remove 'Nova' Game

Carrier and Manufacturer Installed Apps

Most wireless carriers and Android phone manufacturers pre-install apps on your device. These apps are often derisively called 'bloatware.' However, some of these apps can be useful, such as visual voicemail apps. Other apps, such as games, are installed as part of an agreement between the carrier or manufacturer and the app developer. These apps are controversial as users cannot ordinarily delete the apps from their devices. If the user doesn't use the app, it takes up precious storage space.


In December 2010, HTC and Sprint released a firmware update for the HTC Evo 4G that also included the 'N.O.V.A.' game. The update was controversial as other carriers do not add apps to users' phones as part of firmware updates. At the time, a Sprint representative said that the company was working with Google on a technical solution for users to remove apps released as firmware updates. As of the date of publication, this has not materialized.

Removing N.O.V.A.

The only way to remove the game is to root your phone. However, this voids the warranty and may have unintended consequences such as other apps not working properly. Rooting your Android phone requires finding a rootkit designed to work for the specific phone and installing it. Once installed, you can use a root menu to delete 'N.O.V.A.'

Other Android Phones

If you have 'N.O.V.A.' on another Android device, you can delete it from the Settings menu. Tap 'Applications' and 'N.O.V.A.' Tap 'Uninstall' to remove the app. If you want to remove any data stored from playing the game, tap 'Remove Data.'

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