Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reasons for Itchy Labia


Itching on the outside of the vagina is an indication of overgrowth of Candida albicans, also known as a yeast infection. Your doctor can confirm the presence of a yeast infection. Antifungal cream is available over the counter to treat a yeast infection quickly.


Bacterial infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, cause labial itching. Some bacterial infections are sexually transmitted. Unusual vaginal discharge and odor often accompany a bacterial infection of the vagina. Your labia may also be swollen and red. Your doctor can prescribe the appropriate antibiotic for your infection.


Labial itching may be the result of chemical irritation. Chemicals in soaps, including laundry soap, can cause irritation when they come into contact with the labia. Do not overuse feminine hygiene products, especially douches. Douching introduces irritating chemicals directly into the vagina and can cause your labia to itch. Wash the outside of your vagina with a mild soap such as baby soap to avoid chemical irritation.


The friction that occurs during sex can cause slight injury to the labia and result in itching. Use anti-itching cream designed especially for the vagina to remedy an irritated labia. Water soluble lubricants reduce sex-induced labial itching and irritation.


Some women chose to shave their outer labia. Regrowth of hair in the pubic region can cause itching. Apply conditioner to this region while you shower to soften the hair and ease the itch.

How to Remove the Black Market Root App on the Android

1. Turn on your Android device, and then tap the Menu button.

2. Open 'Settings,' and then tap 'Applications.'

3. Tap 'Manage applications,' and then scroll through the application list until you locate the Black Market Root app.

4. Tap on the app name, and then tap 'Uninstall.'

5. Tap 'OK' to complete the removal of the app.

How to Back Up a Droid SD Card

1. Turn on your phone and unlock the screen. Plug the USB cable into the phone and the computer.

2. Tap 'Mount' on the pop-up screen. If no pop-up appears, lower the notification bar, tap 'USB Connection,' then 'USB Mass Storage' and then 'OK.'

3. Switch to your computer. Click 'Start,' then 'Computer.' Double-click the SD card drive.

4. Press 'Ctrl+A' on the keyboard, then 'Ctrl+C.' Right-click an empty area of the computer desktop. Hover over 'New...,' then click 'Folder.' Name the folder 'Backup.'

5. Double-click the new folder. Press 'Ctrl+V.' Wait for the files to copy. Unplug the phone from the USB cable.

Monday, May 27, 2013

I Can't Find .APK for an Android Project

Can't Find APK in Eclipse

Since Google recommends that Android developers use Eclipse to build Android projects, issues with Eclipse are common. If you built your project in Eclipse and now Eclipse can't find it, you need to change Eclipse's properties. Click the Project menu and select 'Properties.' Click 'Android.' Uncheck 'ls Library.' If that does not solve the problem, try copying your source code to a new project and rebuilding the APK.

Windows Explorer

To find your APK on your Windows hard drive, use Windows Explorer. Check in your 'My Documents' folder and in the folder for the program you used to write your project, which is usually located in the Program Files directory. If you still can't find your project, type '.apk' in the Search field. Windows Explorer will list all of the files on your computer with '.apk' in the file name.


Since Android runs on a Linux kernel, many people choose to use Linux to develop their Android projects. If you can't find your APK file on your Linux hard drive, open your Home folder. Press 'Ctrl' plus 'h' to reveal any hidden files and folders. Type '.apk' in the Search field and press 'Enter.' If you would rather use the command line, open a terminal session. Type 'find / -name '*.apk' and press 'Enter.'

Other Considerations

Try rebuilding your project again. If you walked away from your computer while your project was compiling, it is possible that you missed an error message and that your APK was never built. If you are having problems with an SDK other than Eclipse, ask the software manufacturer for support. It's possible that you do not have everything configured correctly.

How to Use Your Cricket Android

USB Debugging

1. Press 'Home' on your Cricket Android phone. Press 'Menu' to display the expanded home screen.

2. Tap 'Settings,' and then tap 'Applications.'

3. Select 'Development,' and then tap the 'USB Debugging' field. The field should change to green to indicate the feature is enabled.

4. Connect the phone to the computer with a USB cable. You can now transfer data to and from your computer and phone.

Bluetooth Pairing

5. Press 'Home' on your Cricket Android, and then select 'Menu.'

6. Tap 'Settings,' and then choose 'Wireless Controls.' Tap the 'Bluetooth' field to enable the feature.

7. Press 'Back,' and then tap 'Bluetooth Settings.' Enable Bluetooth on the other device. Refer to the device's manual for assistance with enabling the feature.

8. Tap 'Scan for Devices' on your phone. All Bluetooth-enabled devices within range will be displayed.

9. Select the name of the other device and enter the passcode for it on your phone. Press and hold the other devices name until a context menu appears. Choose 'Options,' and then tap 'Connect.'

Uninstall Downloaded Applications

10. Press 'Menu' while viewing the home screen of your Cricket Android.

11. Select 'Market,' and then tap 'Downloads.'

12. Select the application you want to uninstall, and then tap 'Uninstall.'

13. Tap 'OK' to confirm your selection.

14. Select the reason you want to uninstall the app, and then tap 'OK.'

Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to Partition the SD Card of an Android

1. Partition the SD card using gparted. This option works well if you run a gnome based version of linux with gparted installed, or you can burn a gparted Live CD which runs on any operating system. Mount the phone on your computer over the USB or remove the SD card and insert it into a card reader attached to your computer. Back up all of the files from the SD card onto your computer. Launch gparted and select the SD card drive from the drop down menu in the upper right-hand corner. When the drive comes up in the visual, right click on it and choose 'unmount' and then hit delete, which deletes all of the files on the SD card. Click the 'New' button and choose the FAT32 format. This partition is for all of your photos, videos and downloads. Figure out the size for this partition by taking the maximum size of your SD card and subtracting out about 512MB for your applications and 32MB for your swap partition. The 512MB partition can be set up as an ext3 or ext4. Be sure to denote the 32MB partition as swap. Once you have all of the space on the SD card allocated to one of these three partitions, hit 'Apply.'

2. Partition the SD card with the sdparted.txt file. Back up all of your photos and videos to your computer before you begin. Download the sdparted.txt file to the C drive on your computer. Connect your Android to the computer using the USB cord and boot it in recovery mode. The way to do this may differ depending on which Android phone you have. Open the 'tools' folder in the SDK folder and copy adb.exe and AdbWinApi.dll into C:\windows\system32 folder on your computer. Open a command prompt and enter the following commands:adb push /sdparted.txt /sbin/sdpartedadb shell chmod 755 /sbin/sdpartedadb shellThe next command partitions your SD card.sdparted -efs ext4Press 'Y' to confirm that you want to unmount all of the current partitions on the card. Press 'Y' again to confirm that you want to erase everything on the SD card. Press 'Y' one more time to confirm that you want to repartition the card. Type 'Exit' in the command prompt and restart your phone.

3. Partition the SD card using sdsplit. Boot your phone and launch the terminal application. If the ROM you put on your phone does not have a terminal application pre-installed, get one from the market. Enter the following commands:su# cd /data# wget chmod 555 sdsplitexitFigure out the size of the partition you want. If you have an 8GB SD card and want 1GB allocated for applications, use 7GB as the size for the FAT32 partition. You have to enter it as 7000M in sdsplit.Run sdsplit by entering the following commands:# /data/sdsplit -nd -fs 7000Mexit

How to Send Apps Between Two Android Phones

1. Touch the home icon or button to return to your Android phone's home screen if you have an app open.

2. Touch the arrow in the lower left corner to show all apps, or touch 'Menu' and then 'All apps,' depending on your phone's features and your personal preferences.

3. Touch 'Menu' again from the all apps screen, and then touch 'Share.'

4. Select the app you want to share from the list that appears.

5. Choose the method you prefer for sharing the app. Options include text messaging, email, Twitter, Facebook and Bluetooth. Some options depend on the apps you have installed on your phone.

6. Enter the contact information for the person or phone with whom you want to share your app. You can usually add a personal message from this screen as well.

7. Press the 'Send' icon. Your phone will share the app information as you specified.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

How to Train Your Dragon Android App

1. Go to Market.Android.com and get the 'HTTYD Puzzle' application for your Android phone. This application turns the world of 'How to Train Your Dragon' into puzzle form, as you'll have to complete various puzzles by moving the images around. As of the date of publication, it is free to download.

2. Visit Market.Android.com and get 'Choice of the Dragon.' Choice of the Dragon is a text-based game that requires you to train yourself over a period of time in order to do things like capture princesses and hoard gold. As of the date of publication, Choice of the Dragon is free to download.

3. Go to Market.Android.com and get 'DragonFight.' DragonFight allows you to create a dragon based on either the fire, water or earth element. You then need to train your dragon, solve quests, and collect gems on various adventures. As of the date of publication, DragonFight is free to use, but is supported by in-game ads.

Android Market Freezes When Installing Apps

Proper Settings

Your Android needs an Internet connection and adequate storage to install an app from the Android Market. If your phone loses the Internet connection, it will cause the installation to freeze. You can combat this by verifying your Internet connection and settings before starting a new app download. Your phone must also have sufficient space to store the application, or the installation may freeze or fail entirely. Some Androids allow you to store applications on your external memory, while others only allow internal memory storage. Check the storage space to ensure you have enough room before starting a download.

Server Issues

While uncommon, the Android Market can experience slow processing times or down times. If your phone is in the process of installing an app during a down time, the installation process may freeze temporarily. Because Androids allow for multitasking, you can leave the installation open and wait for the process to start again. With the multitasking feature, you can place calls, send messages or use other apps while waiting.


Google releases periodic updates for the Android Market. These updates can improve the functionality of the market itself and how the market interacts with your device. The updates may also cause instability on older versions of the Android Market. Instability may lead to problems installing apps to your device from the marketplace. Some wireless providers send automatic updates to Android users. If you do not receive automatic updates, look for recent versions in the Android Market or in your Android Market settings and update as needed.

Other Considerations

On occasion, the app itself may cause the installation issue. You can test this by trying to download and install another app. If you can successfully install other apps, the problem may be due to the app itself, and not the Android Market or you phone. Alternatively, you can also skip the Android Market entirely, and install apps by using a scanner app to download and install new apps directly from the developer's website.

Diet Plans to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

Get Adequate Protein

Protein is essential to building muscle. Protein also burns fat because it has a higher thermogenic, or heat-producing, effect during digestion. Body builders recommend consuming 1 g of protein per pound of body weight daily. Focus on low-fat sources of protein, including fish, lean meat, chicken and dairy products.

Don't Skimp on Carbs

Low-carb diets are popular because people who use them can experience some results quickly. This is because your body burns glycogen when carbohydrates are restricted. Glycogen has a high water content, so this initial weight loss is primarily water weight. Results are temporary and health problems can develop over time. The Mayo Clinic website recommends eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains to ensure balanced nutrition while dieting.

Reduce Sugar and Saturated Fat

The way to lose fat is to burn more calories than the body consumes. To lose fat and build muscle, both exercise and calorie consciousness are required. An easy and healthy way to cut excess calories without sacrificing nutrition is to avoid processed foods. Most contain a great deal of sugar, salt and saturated fat, none of which further your goal of losing fat and building muscle. Introducing dietary changes gradually will make the transition easier.

Start the Day Right

Always eat breakfast. Metabolism slows down when the body has been deprived of food for an extended period. Breakfast kick-starts metabolism and provides the nutrients your body needs to function optimally. Breakfast---and every meal throughout the day---should include both low-fat protein and a serving of complex carbohydrates. Vegetable omelets are one option, and protein shakes can be substituted in a pinch.

Timing Is Everything

According to fitness writer Damien Mase, when and how you eat is important. Eating six small meals instead of three per day is one option; the steady supply of nutrients serves several purposes. First, it can raise metabolism, to burn fat more efficiently. Second, it provides a constant source of energy, which helps ensure that what you eat is used as fuel rather than stored as fat. An added benefit of these regularly spaced, smaller meals is that between-meal hunger, cravings and the temptation to overeat are lessened.

What to Expect

Within several weeks of beginning your healthy eating and exercise regime, you should start to feel more energetic, without the peaks and dips that characterize a high-carb, low-activity lifestyle. Small physical changes will emerge, and you may see a few pounds slip away. By the sixth week of your new program, you may find you've lost 6 to 12 lbs. of fat and may have developed noticeable muscle tone. As with any new health care regime, seek the advice of a medical professional before getting started.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Android: How to Edit SYM Symbols

1. Tap the upward arrow on your Android home screen to access the 'Applications' menu.

2. Tap 'Files' from the list

3. Navigate to the folder you would like to make a symbolic link of, then tap its name and hold it until a menu appears.

4. Tap 'Configuration.'

5. Tap 'Create Link.'

6. Tap 'Link to

' in the directory you created the shortcut to. Drag it to the Android home location, or another folder in the 'File' application from its location on the left side of the menu.

How to Install Windows XP Tablet Edition

1. Insert the Windows XP Tablet Edition CD into your system's disc bay and restart.

2. Press 'Enter' when prompted to 'Press any key to run from CD...'

3. Click 'Enter' to load the installation files and then press 'F8' to accept the license agreement when prompted to review it. You must accept the license agreement to install Windows XP Tablet Edition.

4. Click 'Next' to accept the manufacturer settings for disk usage. It is not recommended to change these for your tablet system.

5. Press 'Next' again to begin copying files to the hard drive. Your system will now restart.

6. Allow the installation to continue, you will be prompted once to accept or change the system time settings and product key. The product key will be available on the case of your installation CD or on the bottom of your tablet PC. It will be labeled 'Product Key.'

7. Insert your manufacturer's driver CD once you have loaded into the Windows environment. You will be asked if you would like to run the installation from the CD. Choose 'Yes' and follow the on-screen directions from your Tablet PC's manufacturer to complete all driver installations.

8. Restart the computer by pressing 'Start' on the left-hand side of the taskbar, selecting 'Shut down' and then choosing 'Restart.' Your Windows XP Tablet Edition installation is now complete.

How to Upgrade a Motorola Backflip to Android 2.1

1. Tap the menu key on the front of your Backflip. The key has an icon resembling four squares. You don't need to open the keyboard for this procedure.

2. Press your finger against the touch screen and slide it up and down to scroll through the list of applications on your menu. Locate 'Settings' and tap it.

3. Scroll through the settings list and tap 'About Phone.' Tap 'System Updates.' Your phone checks for new updates and displays the results on screen.

4. Tap 'Update' when prompted that a new version of the Android OS is available for download. Your phone begins downloading Android 2.1.

5. Continue using your phone while the update downloads. Depending on your connection, this can take as much as 30 minutes. To check its progress, tap your finger on the notification bar at the top of the screen and slide it down to open the notification panel, where you'll find the download progress bar. When the download is complete, your phone will prompt you to install the update.

6. Tap 'Install' to install Android 2.1 on your Motorola Backflip. Don't turn your phone off while the update is installing.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to Fix My Internet Browser

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click 'Tools' on the menu bar and select 'Internet Options.'

3. Click the 'Advanced' tab and click 'Reset.' Place a check in the 'Delete personal settings' box only if you want to delete your browser history.

4. Click the 'Reset' button once the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box opens to confirm the changes. Reset the browser for the changes to take effect.

How to Find out What Kind of Android Software My Phone Has With ATT

1. Press the 'Menu' button on the main screen of your Android device.

2. Touch 'Settings' and select 'About phone.'

3. Check the 'System version' field for the carrier's software version. The 'Android version' field lists the Android OS version.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to Update Your Apps on an Android Mobile Phone

1. Press the 'Power' button on you Android device.

2. Slide your finger down to unlock the device.

3. Tap the 'Menu' button on the phone.

4. Tap 'All Apps.'

5. Tap 'Market.' Tap 'Update All' to update all apps in a single tap or choose the applicable app and tap 'Update.'

How to Autostart Android Apps

1. Launch the Web browser on your Android mobile phone. Type the website address, “market.android.com” in the search field. Tap the magnifying glass icon representing the search button. Tap on the “Gmail” hyperlink and enter your email user account information. Type your username in the “Username” field box and then type your password in the “Password” field box. Tap the “Sign in” button to access the features on Android Market.

2. Enter the keywords “autorun” or “autostart” in the Search text box on the homepage. Tap on the magnifying glass icon. After the search results page loads, scroll down the list of applications and select one that you want to use.

3. Click on the “Install” button to download the autostart management application on your phone. Some applications are free and others charge a small fee, so be sure to have your credit card information available. Click on the “Buy” button and follow the on-screen instructions for making the purchase.

4. Follow the autostart management application's on-screen installation instructions. Tap on the “OK” button to confirm that you want to download and install the application. Go to the Application list on your phone. Look for the autostart management icon and tap on it to open the application.

5. Use the application's features to autostart all of the applications that you often use. For example, if you installed the “Autorun Manager” application on your phone, tap on the “Advanced” tab button. The feature will list all of the applications that are registered for system wide events.

6. Tap on the name of an application and enable it to run automatically when you boot up your phone. Tap on the “Basic” tab button and disable any auto-starting applications that you do not want to run when you boot up your phone.

How to Set up Email on an Android

1. Tap 'Email' in the 'Apps' menu. Since you do not have an email account set up, you will go to the Account Setup screen in the app.

2. Enter your email address and password.

3. Tap 'Next.' For many popular email services, this is all you need to do. Android will automatically configure the account. If this is not the case with your email account, you can manually enter the settings.

4. Tap either 'POP Account' or 'IMAP' depending upon what type of email service you use. If you do not know, check with your provider. For example, if you use Yahoo!'s Plus mail, use POP. Check your provider's website for details. All providers are unique and different.

5. Enter the incoming mail server address and any other important information that your provider requires, such as a port number. Yahoo!'s incoming mail server is pop.mail.yahoo.com.

6. Enter the outgoing mail server and other settings your provider requires. Yahoo!'s outgoing mail server is smtp.mail.yahoo.com.

7. Tap 'Next.' Android will check your email for compatibility. You will then have the choice options, such as how frequently Android syncs with your email.

How to Delete Columns in TweetDeck for Androids

1. Launch the TweetDeck application on your Android phone.

2. Swipe either left or right until you're on the column you'd like to remove.

3. Press the 'menu' button on your Android phone and select 'Column Settings.'

4. Tap the 'Remove' button at the bottom of the screen to remove the column.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to Display PNG Files for Android

1. Enter the programs screen and select the Eclipse program from the list of installed applications. Select 'Browse' and locate the name of your PNG image file. Hold your finger on the screen over your file until the file options screen appears. Select the menu option and enable non-lossy image compression.

2. Open the image file and select the settings tab. Locate the 'Photoshop Add Noise' option and double-click it to enable it. Close the image and try reopening it.

3. Download or drag your PNG image file into the res/drawable folder relative to your image viewing software. For example, if the image is in your Downloads folder, click and drag it to the program folder for your image software. Locate the file and rename it to a file extension that is easy to locate, such as pic1.png.

4. Enter your image viewing software and select the 'Open' option. Locate your PNG file in the drop-down menu and select it. Select the 'View Image' option on the pop-up window to view your PNG file.

How to Connect an MSN Email Account on an Android 2.1

1. Touch the 'Applications' launcher arrow, then touch the 'Email' icon from the list that is displayed. If you haven't used the email application previously, the set up screen will automatically display. Otherwise, touch 'Menu,' then touch 'Add Account.'

2. Touch the 'Email Address' field, then type your full MSN email address into the field. Touch the 'Password' field and type in your password. Touch 'Next.' The wizard will attempt to retrieve your email settings. If you receive an error message, the 'Incoming Server' screen will display.

3. Select 'POP' from the drop down box beneath 'Protocol.' Enter your email address, user name and password in the designated fields. Enter 'pop3.live.com' in the 'POP Server' field. Enter '995' in the 'Server Port' field. Touch 'Next' to enter outgoing server settings.

4. Enter your user name and password in the designated fields. Enter 'smtp.live.com' in the 'SMTP Server' field. Enter '587' in the 'Server Port' field. Touch 'Next.'

5. Enter an account name in the 'Account Name' field, if desired. Enter your name in the 'Your Name' field. Touch 'Finish Setup' to complete setup.

Monday, May 20, 2013

How to Install Apps on an Android Tablet

1. Press the 'Applications' button on your tablet's screen. The location of the button varies based on the type of device you have, but is generally on the bottom of the screen or along the top edge.

2. Swipe your finger across the screen to scroll through your installed applications. Tap the 'Market' application once you find it. If you are not already signed in to your Google Account on the tablet, enter your Google username and password here, then tap 'Sign In.'

3. Tap the magnifying glass at the top of the screen to start searching for an application. Type the name of the app using the keyboard that appears on the screen. A list of search results appears beneath the area you are typing. Tap the result that corresponds to the application you are searching for.

4. Touch the 'Install' button at the bottom of the app's page. A list of access rights appears, instructing you on which areas of your tablet the application will need to access. Tap 'OK' to continue. You are taken back to the application's page while your app is downloaded in the background. The app is available for you to use when you see a 'Successfully installed' message at the top of the screen.

Physical Therapy Aide Certification

High School Diploma or GED Equivalent

Physical therapy aides are required to have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. Students are advised to take health and science classes to enable them to understand the ensuing curriculum of a physical therapy aide training program.

Associate's Degree

Most states require therapy aides to have an associate's degree from a community or junior college accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association's Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. Programs typically take 2 years to complete. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, curriculum will include classes in English, algebra, anatomy, psychology and physiology, biology, chemistry and medical vocabulary. Students also receive supervised clinical training in CPR, first aid and patient care in physical therapy treatment centers.

National Physical Therapy Exam

The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) administers the National Physical Therapy Exam for individuals who meet licensing qualifications and prerequisites. States vary in licensing requirements; once an individual has applied for licensing within his state of jurisdiction, the state will dictate the applicants eligibility. Once an applicant has been deemed eligible, he will be sent an Authorization To Test (ATT) from the FSBPT. Candidates must sit for the exam within 60 days after receiving their ATT. The cost for taking the National Physical Therapy Exam is $55.60.


Licensing is not federally required for a career as a physical therapy aide. Some states or employers will require physical therapy aides to become certified as proof of knowledge and expertise in the field. States vary in certification requirements. Individuals who wish to become certified will have to check within their state of jurisdiction for details.

On-the-Job Training

In addition to a comprehensive education in being a physical therapy aide, most aides receive the bulk of their training on the job under the direct supervision of a licensed physical therapist.


Physical therapy aides work in nursing homes, home health care, hospitals and doctor's offices. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, they earn an average of $23,760 per year.

How to Reveal a Private Call Number

1. Sign up for the National Do Not Call Registry (see Resources) to minimize unwanted calls. This makes it illegal for telemarketers or other sales people to call you, unless you have had prior business with them.

2. Visit TrapCall.com (see Resources) and sign up for the service. When you receive a private call number, you simply hit 'Ignore' and the call will be redirected to the TrapCall database. Within seconds, you can know who's behind the number that called you.

3. Contact your service provider. Report that you've been getting harassing or prank calls and that you want to know who's calling. Sometimes your company will set up a 'trap,' similar to that offered by TrapCall. You'll have to speak with your network provider to get the details on the services it offers.

4. Dial '*57' after receiving a private call to activate 'Call Trace.' This may not work in every instance, but it will reveal the number if the person is calling you from the local area.

5. Contact law enforcement. If you really feel like you're in danger or you're receiving obscene or threatening calls, you should call the police. Notify the officer of the time and date the calls were received, what the person on the other end sounded like and what he said.

How to Flip a Picture When Uploading to Facebook on an Android

1. Go to your apps by tapping the middle icon on the bottom of the home screen. Tap “Gallery” and “Camera pictures” to get to your photos. Load the photo you want to flip.

2. Push the 'Settings' menu button and select “Rotate.” The app gives you a choice between rotating to the left or right. Use this to turn your photo whichever way you want. Your phone saves the changes automatically.

3. Press the red button on your phone to exit out of the Gallery app. Go to the apps screen again and tap on “Facebook.” Select “Photos” and tap the camera icon. Choose from the gallery and type in a caption on the keyboard before tapping “Upload.” This uploads your image to Facebook.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

How to Download Android Build

1. Go to developer.android.com.

2. Choose 'SDK.'

3. Click 'Download.'

4. Choose the appropriate file for your operating system. Android operating system files are available for Windows, Mac and Linux. The package contains all of the files necessary to get started working on your own Android projects.

How to Disable Priority Mail for the Gmail App for Android

1. Launch a Web browser on your computer and sign in to your account.

2. Click the gear cog icon at the top right and select 'Mail Settings.'

3. Click the 'Inbox' tab.

4. Click the 'Inbox Type' drop-down menu and select 'Classic.'

5. Click the radio button beside 'No Markers.'

6. Click the radio button beside 'Override Filters.'

7. Click 'Save Changes.'

Career Aptitude Tests for College Students


Career aptitude tests entail various questions that measure a student's competence in subjects like originality, philanthropy, confidence, finances, people skills, physical handiwork and more.


Various career aptitude tests are used to gauge a student's quantitative and qualitative aptitude, helping them identify where their strengths lie, and how those strengths correlate to different professions.


There are career personality tests (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), career interest inventories (Strong Interest Inventory), and assorted skills assessments and tests (General Aptitude Test Battery).


Career aptitude tests are administered via a computer program, or can be in written form; it's a good idea to have the test run by a professional, so the outcome can be best explained to the test subject.


The answers on the tests are not graded as right or wrong; they are merely intended to reveal the careers that might suit the student, not to act as an explicit path for the test subject.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Repair Tools for a Sony USB Flash Drive

Windows Error Checking

The Windows Error checker is a standard component of the Windows OS that can scan removable drives for errors that might cause data corruption. To run this error checker, connect your device to the computer and then open 'My Computer,' then select the drive from the 'Removable Drives' list and right click it. From the sub-menu, select 'Properties' and then select 'Tools' from the new window that pops up. At the top of the window, you will see a button that says 'Check Now' under 'Error Checking.' Windows will automatically scan and correct any errors affecting your drive's performance.

FlashMemory Toolkit

The FlashMemory Toolkit is a free program designed to diagnose and repair larger issues with your flash drive. This program will check for bad clusters and can also perform file recovery services. This program is available for free from the official FlashMemory Toolkit website. Once downloaded, you can launch the utility from the 'Start' menu, and once you connect the flash drive to the computer, you can select the repair function you wish to use.

Drive Formatting Tool

The Drive Formatting Tool is another Windows standard tool that can be used if you are having issues with your USB drive. However, this is a last resort, as formatting your flash drive will get rid of all of its contents. If you decide to move forward with this tool, reconnect your flash drive, go to 'My Computer' and right click on your Sony USB flash drive. Select 'Format My Drive' to remove all of the errors from the device and erase all the content.

How to Install a Game on a PC

1. Open the computer game, and remove the installation discs. Most games will come with several discs to install before you can begin to play.

2. Insert the first disc. Your computer will recognize it and begin to the process for you.

3. Follow along with the pop-up dialog boxes that appear during the process of installation. You'll be asked a variety of questions, such as where on the computer you want the game to be installed. You'll also be prompted to insert the next disc at the proper time.

4. Complete the process, and make sure you store all of the game discs together and in a safe place. This is critical to re-install the game on a different computer if you upgrade or to replace it if your system crashes, and it's lost.

How to Send Apps With Android Bump

1. Open the Bump app on your Android. If you don't have the app installed, download it from the Android Market and install it on your device.

2. Touch 'Apps' and then tap 'Choose Apps.' A list of downloaded apps displays on the screen.

3. Tick the box next to the app you want to share. Tap 'Attach.'

4. Tap your Android device against another device with Bump installed to share the app.

How to Move From an iPhone to Android

1. Select 'Menu' on the Android. Then select 'Accounts & Sync' under 'Settings.'

2. Select 'Google' under 'Add Account.' Enter your Google username and password. This will log you into your Google account on the Android phone.

3. Plug your iPhone into your computer and open iTunes.

4. Click 'Sync Contacts with Google's contacts.' Then click 'Configure' and enter your Google account username and password. This will send the contacts you have saved to your Google account, automatically storing the information both online and on your Android.

5. Tap the 'Settings' icon on the iPhone.

6. Tap 'Mail, Contacts, Calendars' under the 'Settings' page. Tap 'Add Account,' and then 'Gmail.' Select 'Sync' under 'Calendar and Notes.' This will sync any information stored under the Calendar app and Notes app pre-installed on the iPhone to your Google notes and Google calendar.

7. Plug your iPhone into your computer.

8. Click 'My Computer' if you are using a PC; open 'Image Capture' on a Mac. Open your iPhone's folder.

9. Make a new blank folder on the desktop of your PC or Mac. Drag the photos and videos from the iPhone's folder to the blank folder.

10. Disconnect the iPhone and plug the Android phone into your computer.

11. Open 'My Computer' on a PC or 'Image Capture' on a Mac. Then click on the Android.

12. Drag the blank folder containing photos and videos to the folder named 'DCIM' on the Android. This will automatically store the photos and videos on your new Android.

13. Open the folder labeled 'Music' under the Android icon on 'My Computer' or 'Image Capture.'

14. Open your iTunes folder in a separate window.

15. Drag your iTunes folder into the 'Music' folder for your Android.

Google Android Programming Tutorial

Main Class

When developers build Android projects using the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment, which is the official IDE for the platform, Eclipse automates certain parts of the process. For example, when you create a new Android project, it automatically creates a main class, which is an Activity class. An Activity class represents a single screen within the app, containing visual elements and user interface controls. The main Activity class is launched when users run your app. The following sample code demonstrates a typical main Activity class outline:public class MyApp extends Activity {

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {





Developers can create an Activity for each screen in an app. The outline for each Activity is similar, extending the Activity super-class and providing an 'onCreate' method. Inside 'onCreate,' a developer can implement any processing he wants to take place when the Activity is launched. This normally involves setting the Activity layout:setContentView(R.layout.help);This instructs Android to use the XML layout contained in a file named 'help.xml' which is saved inside the 'res/layout' folder in the application package. Each Activity must also appear in the app's 'AndroidManifest.xml' file:

This reflects a Java Activity class file named 'Help' for demonstration.


When a developer creates Activity files in Android apps, he can create instances of those classes from other points within the project. For example, if you want an Activity to be launched by pressing a button in another Activity, you can add the code inside the launching Activity class file, specifying the details of the Activity to launch using Intents:startActivity(new Intent(this, Help.class));This starts the Activity saved as 'Help' in the application package. The 'startActivity' method can appear in any other Activity class file. For example, you may wish to launch an Activity with helpful information about the app from other screens within it.


Each Activity class in an Android app may be associated with a layout. A developer can define layouts in Java code, but the official resources for Android recommend defining them as XML files. The application package for an Android app has a 'res/layout' directory, in which a developer can include these XML layouts. The XML code can include user interface and visual items, as well as specifications for how these should be laid out relative to one another:



android:orientation='vertical' >



android:text='Here is some text' />

This sample layout has a single user interface item in it which is a text-field.

Friday, May 17, 2013

How to Draw PNG or JPEG on Android LWP

1. Browse to the OwnSkin website (see Resources) and click 'Create Livewallpaper.'

2. Click 'Create Slide Show' under 'Photoslide Livewallpaper Compiler.' Click 'Choose Files' and then browse to the JPEG, PNG or GIF files that you want to use. You can use files up to 2MB in size and up to five files. Double-click a file to select it. You can select multiple files by holding 'Ctrl' while you click, when you're done, click 'Open.'

3. Wait for the files to upload to the OwnSkin site. When they are uploaded, click 'Next.' Under 'Template' choose either 'Frame' or 'Tiles.' Then under 'Default Style' you can further refine your design. For example, you can select 'Full Screen' or 'Flying Tiles' for the 'Tiles' template. You can choose the type of frame used on the 'Frame' template. When you're done, click 'Next.'

4. Apply any advanced effects to your LWP you can change the photo effects to choose options like 'Black and White' or 'Sepia.' You can select the transition type, speed and how long each image is on the screen. Set whether the images have a frame or not and whether the order is random; then, click 'Next.'

5. Click 'Choose File' and point to an image that you want to use for an icon. This is what you will see when you look for live wallpapers on your Android device. Click 'Title' and type the name of your LWP; click 'Description' and type a short description. Click 'Create Live Wallpaper.' The site will create an APK file that you can install on your Android device.

6. Click 'Download APK' and select a location on your computer to download it. Click 'Save.'

7. Connect your Android device to your computer with a USB cable. Drag down the notification area on the Android and tap 'USB Storage.' Touch 'Mount' to connect the USB storage.

8. Browse to the location of the APK file you downloaded on your computer. Right-click the file and select 'Copy.' Browse to the removable disk on your computer that corresponds to your Android's memory card. Right-click anywhere in the main folder and select 'Paste.'

9. Drag down the notification area and touch 'USB Storage.' Tap 'Disconnect' and remove the USB cable from your Android device.

10. Tap 'Home' on the Android and then touch 'Menu.' Press 'Settings,' tap 'Applications' and touch 'Unknown Sources.' Accept the warning by tapping 'OK.'

11. Press 'Home' and then open your application list. Tap your file browsing app and then browse to the location of the APK file you loaded on your Android device. Tap on the file to install it. Touch 'OK' to confirm the installation and then 'Install.'

12. Touch 'Home' and then 'Menu.' Tap 'Wallpaper' and touch 'Live Wallpaper.' Scroll through the list until you see the icon for the LWP you created. Tap it and then touch 'Set as Wallpaper.'

Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to Make an Android App With Netbeans

1. Download NetBeans from netbeans.org

2. Install the android plugin. In the menu bar, click 'Tools,' then 'Plugins.' In the plugins screen, select 'add' and add the following URL: 'http://kenai.com/downloads/nbandroid/updatecenter/updates.xml.' Click 'OK' to install the Android Plugin. Click the 'Available Plugins' tab, and select the new Android plugins to install them.

3. Include the Java android platform into NetBeans. In the menu bar, click on 'Tools,' and select the 'Android SDK and AVD Manager' option. This will take you to a new screen. On the new screen, select the package for the newest version of the Android SDK and install it.

How to Clean the Mass Air Flow Sensor on a VW Golf

1. Locate the air box. It should be in the upper right-hand corner of the engine compartment (right in front of the driver's seat). You should see a little stem of plastic and metal jutting out from the cylindrical air flow tube--that's the mass air flow sensor.

2. Remove the wiring connector from the MAF sensor by sliding a flathead screwdriver into the wiring release clip on the sensor. When the clip pops, pull the wiring apart from the sensor.

3. Use your screwdriver to unscrew the two screws connecting the MAF sensor to the air flow tube. One is located above the sensor and one is underneath.

4. Gently pull the MAF sensor free from the engine.

5. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws holding together the exterior assembly of the VW mass air flow sensor.

6. Use your electrical contact cleaner to spray an ample amount over the entire interior of the MAF sensor. Take great care not to actually touch any of the internal wirings, as they are extremely sensitive.

7. Leave your sensor to dry for about an hour.

8. Screw the exterior assembly onto the MAF sensor, and reattach it to the air flow tube and wiring connector.

How to Delete Bookmarks From the LG Apex Android

1. Open the application screen and touch 'Browser' to launch the browser.

2. Tap the bookmark icon at the top of the page. The icon resembles a vertical flag with a star.

3. Tap and hold the bookmark you want to delete. After a few seconds, a context menu will pop up.

4. Touch 'Delete bookmark.' The phone will ask you to confirm, so touch 'OK.'

How to Use an IPA Emulator

1. Swipe the iPhone's screen until you get to the 'Installer' icon. Press the icon to launch 'Installer.' Press the 'Games' tab on the Installer menu.

2. Press the emulator you would like to install. The .ipa file is downloaded onto the iPhone and automatically installed.

3. Press the search button on Installer's menu and type in the name of the system the app is emulating. For example, if you installed the Sega Genesis emulator, type in 'Sega Genesis' and press 'Go.'

4. Press the ROM pack that comes up on the iPhone's screen to install it. Press the iPhone home button.

5. Press the icon that was installed on the iPhone home screen when the .ipa emulator was installed.

6. Press the game you want to play on the next screen. On-screen controls come up and you can now play the install ROM games using the emulator app.

How to Make an MPEG Play on an Android Phone

1. Download a video conversion software to your computer. Browse to the site for the software and click on the link to download it. Some possible free software options are Handbrake, Freemake and the DoubleTwist sync software. The first two programs are simple video converters, while DoubleTwist adds syncing capabilities for your music and photo libraries as well.

2. Install the conversion software to your computer. Follow the instructions of the software manufacturer to complete the installation process. Plug your Android phone into the computer with a USB cable.

3. Select the source video file. Click the 'Source' or 'Video' button, and then browse to the video file on your computer that you want to convert in order to play it on your Android device. Double-click the file to select it as the source for conversion.Note that in DoubleTwist you just need to find the folder that contains the video file and drag the file to your phone's icon in the DoubleTwist window.

4. Set the video conversion to match the needs of your phone or tablet. In Freemake, click the 'Android' button, and then click 'OK.' In Handbrake use the 'Universal' preset from the list on the right, and then click the 'Start' button. The file is done converting when the progress bar reaches the end of the window. Open the folder where you saved the converted video file.

5. Drag down the notification area on the top portion your Android phone screen and click 'USB Connected,' and then tap 'Mount.' Open the Removable Drive that corresponds to your Android phone in your computer's file browser. Open the 'Videos' folder on your phone. If one doesn't exist, make a new folder labeled 'Videos,' and then open it. Drag the video file you converted from the folder on your computer to the folder on your Android phone. The transfer is finished when the progress bar reaches the end of the window.

6. Drag down the notification tray on the phone again and tap the 'USB Connected' notice, and then press 'Disconnect.' Unplug your phone from the computer. Open the application launcher on the phone and tap the 'Gallery' icon. Browse until you find the video file you transferred, and then tap on the video to launch the phone's video player and watch your MPEG-4 movie.

How to Synchronize Files From My PC to a Remote Location


1. Download and install PowerFolder on both computers (see Resources).

2. Launch the PowerFolder program on one of the computers. Type in your email address and a password, then retype the password. Click to place a check in the Sign Up Now box, then click the 'Next' button. Click 'Next' to confirm the basic setup information. Click 'Sync Files.' Click the folder icon.

3. Click to select a folder from your computer. This should be the folder that contains the files that you want to synchronize between the two computers. Click 'OK.' Click 'Next.' Click the 'Exit' button.

4. Click the 'Not in Sync' button next to the folder name. Click the 'Sync This Folder Now' button. Exit the program.

5. Launch PowerFolder on the remote computer. Log in with your email address and password. Click the 'Folders' tab. Double-click the folder name beneath the Available Folders heading. Leave the default settings alone and click 'Next' to synchronize the folder. Click 'Exit' to complete the synchronization.


6. Download and install GoodSync on both computers (see Resources). The GoodSync program requires that you have an FTP hosting server (or other compatible online storage space) available for you to store files and folders that will be synchronized.

7. Launch the GoodSync program on one of the computers. Type a new synchronization job name into the text field. Select 'Synchronize' as the job type. Click 'OK.' Click the 'Browse' button and select a folder from your local hard drive. Click 'OK.'

8. Click the 'Browse' button on the right, then click 'FTP.' Type your FTP address, username and password into the appropriate fields, then click the 'Go' button. Select a folder on the FTP server. Click 'OK.'

9. Click the 'Analyze' button. Click 'Sync' to synchronize the two folders. This will download or upload information from the FTP server folder, synchronizing it with the chosen local folder.

10. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 on the remote computer to synchronize the folder between the two computers.

Windows Mesh

11. Download and install Windows Live Essentials, which includes the Windows Mesh program, on both computers (see Resources).

12. Click the 'Start' button and type 'mesh' into the Search field. Click 'Windows Live Mesh.' Sign in by typing in your Windows Live ID, then click the 'Sign In' button. Click the 'Sync a Folder' link.

13. Click the folder that contains the files you wish to sync, then click the 'Sync' button. Click to place a check in the computer name where you wish to sync the files, then click 'OK.' If no computer is listed, go to the remote computer and sign into Windows Live Mesh to add the computer to the list.

14. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the remote computer to set up the folder synchronization. Windows Mesh will continuously update the files in the synchronized folder automatically whenever the computer goes online.

How to Replace a Lost Car Title in California

1. Copy and paste the following URL into your browser's address bar: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/vr_info.htm

2. Scroll down the page to the 'requirements after paying off your car loan' section at the bottom of the page.

3. Click on the 'application for duplicate title (REG 227) (PDF)' link and open the file.

4. Print out the PDF form for the duplicate title application.

5. Fill out the form and sign it.

6. Mail the application along with the check or money order to:Department of Motor Vehicles

Registration Operations

P.O. Box 942869

Sacramento, CA 94269-0001

How to Connect Android to a Stereo

1. Connect the adapter cable to the headphone jack on your Android device.

2. Connect the RCA cables at the other end of the adapter to an audio input on your stereo. Match the colors on the RCA cables to the inputs on your stereo.

3. Press the 'Input' button on the front of your stereo to select the input you attached the RCA cables to.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How to Troubleshoot the Android Application TalkBack

Enable Accessibility

1. Go to the home screen and tap 'Menu,' then 'Settings.'

2. Scroll down the list and tap 'Accessibility.'

3. Place a check by 'Accessibility' and 'TalkBack.' Remove the check by 'TalkBack' to disable the feature.

Update App

4. Tap the Market icon on the home screen.

5. Click the magnifying glass in the upper corner and type 'Talkback.'

6. Tap the first result and tap 'OK.' The app shown in the list will be the most recent version available.

7. Read the list of permissions and tap 'OK' again to accept. The old version is automatically overwritten.

Android 'Gang Wars' Cheats

Promotional Codes

The website AndroLib offers several promotional codes for when you register to play Gang Wars. The code .8A0F4*!* will allow you to increase the size of your gang. All you need to do is go back to the review page and enter the code. The code ♥6CF56♥ will give you two free respect points without having to do anything in the game. The code 969C9 will give you extra money and extra respect. Entering 91ED6 will give you a gang of 900 and $80 million in cash.

Codes To Win Fights

One of the key ways to increase your character's power and money is to fight other players in the game. When you choose to fight, you are given a list of players near your power level to fight and you can win or lose battles based on your statistics. The code ***71d8e*** will help you get a large sum of cash and more power.

Application to Download

A download is available to earn some respect points from market.android.com. This application costs $3.99.

Even More Free Respect Points

You can get even more respect points from the Get Android Stuff site (see References). Select the download button to get 250 additional respect points and increase your gang, which will give you more influence and more power to take down rivals and build your empire.

Effective Tips to Gain Weight Fast and Build Muscle

Commit to a Regimen and Set Goals

In the same way that dieting to lose weight requires a strict regimen, dieting and exercising to gain weight and muscle calls for a firmly-adhered to process. Set up a goal for how much you want to gain--small goals generally work best, since they are more realistic. If you are planning to gain 40 pounds, start by planning to gain 20 pounds, so that you can see the fruit of your labors more quickly.Decide on a diet and exercise plan that is, above all, realistic for you. If you can't see yourself fitting it into your daily schedule, you probably won't be able to keep it up for very long.

Increase Calorie Intake

If you're going to gain weight, you need to be taking in more calories than you can exhaust daily. This means, simply, eating more. Most people don't count calories on a daily basis, so to begin your new diet, you should spend about a week recording what you eat. This will give you an understanding of how many calories you consume per day, and will help you know how you should change your eating habits.Once you have figured out your daily calorie intake, add about 300 more calories to your daily intake. Increase this amount slowly until you begin to gain weight.

Foods to Eat

Foods that will help you gain muscle are: fish, dairy products (especially whey, cottage cheese, mozzarella, and low fat yogurt), eggs, unroasted nuts and seeds, and meat and poultry.

Weight Training

If you do not do weight training as you increase your calorie intake, the weight you gain will be fat and not muscle. The best way to gain muscle is to use compound weight lifting exercises, such as squats, bench presses, and chin-ups, among others. These types of exercises simultaneously work different muscle groups.Work out at least 3 times a week for the best muscle building results.

Listen to Your Body

If you experience pain or unusual amounts of fatigue, you are probably driving your body too hard. Make sure to always drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and loss of stamina, and get at least eight hours of sleep per night--these are things your body needs, especially when you are working out and building muscle. Also, if you experience pain that is severe, go see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to Update Android Ringtones

1. First, you'll want to unlock your screen. This involves sliding the unlock bar at the bottom of the touch screen. The default setting displays a clock on the unlock bar. If your phone is on but your screen is off, press any button to bring up the unlock bar. If you're phone's screen is already unlocked and you can see the home menu, skip this step.

2. Next, press the 'Menu' button at the bottom of your phone. This is not on the touch screen itself; it is a physical button usually located near the 'Back' button, a left-pointing arrow, and the 'Home' button, a button shaped like a small house.

3. Once the menu is up, choose 'Settings.' Depending on the version of your phone, the 'Settings' option may not be immediately visible. If you don't see it, scroll through the options with your finger until you find it.

4. In the following screen, you'll see an option titled 'Sound' or 'Sound and Display.' This varies depending on your phone, but it will always have the word 'Sound' in the name. Select this option. Remember to scroll through the options if you don't see it right away.

5. The next screen will have the 'Phone Ringtone' option. Scroll through until you find it and then select it. This will bring up all the available Android ringtones. To preview, simply touch the name of the ringtone and a preview will play automatically. If you don't hear anything, make sure your volume settings are turned up and you're not in silent mode. You can simply press up on the volume rocker to increase the volume. When you've found a ringtone you like, select 'OK' at the bottom of the screen. This will save your selection and you'll hear this tune when your phone rings.

Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Access a Samsung Android From a USB

1. Turn on the Samsung device and the computer and connect them using a micro-USB cable. New Android phones come bundled with a compatible cable, but generic models will work as well.

2. Unlock the Android phone to view the 'USB connected' message. Tap the 'Turn on USB storage' button to allow access to the device's memory. Tap 'OK' to confirm. If your version of Android displays a list of radio buttons instead, tap 'USB Mass Storage' and then tap 'OK.' This may cause some running Android applications to close.

3. Open the device's memory by double clicking on it. It will appear as a removable hard disk on the computer system, either on the OS X desktop or in the 'Computer' section of Windows.

4. Open the 'alarms,' 'notifications' or 'ringtones' folders to view the media files for the corresponding phone functions. You can drag new compatible AAC and MP3 files to these folders to add new ringtones and other sounds.

5. Open the 'Music' folder to view any currently stored music albums. Many programs will store downloaded music in this folder, but the default Android music player will find and recognize music files placed anywhere on the device's memory.

6. Open the 'DCIM' folder to view and transfer photographs taken with the device's built-in camera. If you want to add new pictures to the Android 'Gallery' app you may place them anywhere on the device's storage.

7. Explore the folders named for specific apps to view or change the corresponding application's data. Many apps place new folders on the device's root directory, and they often store information unique to the program such as e-book files, modified pictures, saved games or other data.

8. Tap the 'Turn off USB storage' button on the device's screen when finished to eject the phone. You may then safely remove the USB cable.

How to Update the Backflip

1. Go to the main menu on the Backflip. Press the middle button on the homepage.

2. Go to 'Settings' from the main menu.

3. Tap 'About Phone' and go to 'System Updates.'

4. Click 'Select Update.'

5. Power the phone off and back on again. The software update is installed once the phone has been powered back on.

How to Pick Locks With Hairpins

1. Assess the type of lock you are trying to pick. Most door knob locks are either simple, push-button locks or turn-style locks.

2. Push the hairpin into the center of the lock, if the lock is a push-button type. Continue pushing until you feel the lock unlock. Some knobs with push-button locks feature a hole to the left or right of the knob, rather than a standard hole in the center of the keyhole. Simply insert the hairpin into the hole on either side of the knob and press until it unlocks.

3. Insert the hairpin into the lock's center and turn it as you would a key. This method will unlock turn-style locks.

4. Adjust the hairpin's position if you have difficulty picking the lock. Some locks are very sensitive and require pressure at a very specific point. Continue adjusting the position very slightly until you find success.

5. Use two hairpins to manipulate the lock. For some locks, one hairpin might be too weak to support needed pressure to unlock the lock. If the lock does not give with one, try a second hairpin, keeping the second pin adjacent to the first. Use the same methods described, simply using two hairpins.

How to Backup SMS Messages on an Android

1. Open the Android Market on your phone by tapping 'All Programs' on the home screen and then tap 'Market.'

2. Search for the 'SMS Backup and Restore' application. Click 'Free' followed by 'Install.' Wait for the application to install.

3. Open 'All Programs' and select 'SMS Backup and Restore.'

4. Tap 'Backup' and enter a file name for the backup file or accept the default name. Tap 'OK.' Wait for the 'Backing Up Messages' progress bar to confirm the backup is complete.

5. Connect the Android phone to your computer with the phone's USB cable. Tap 'Mount as Disk Drive' when this connection option appears on the phone's touch-screen.

6. Open 'Computer' and then open the 'Removable Disk' drive. Navigate to the 'SD Card' folder. Open the 'SMSBackupRestore' folder.

7. Copy the XML file to your computer to save a backup copy of your text messages.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

How to Download Skype for Android Directly to a PC

1. Turn on your Android phone and press the 'Home' button. Open the app drawer and tap your file explorer app.

2. Tap 'Up,' '/' or '...' until you reach the top folder of your device. If Skype was pre-installed on your phone, tap 'System,' 'App.' If you downloaded Skype from the Android Market, tap 'Data,' 'App.'

3. Tap and hold the file marked 'com.skype.raider-1.apk.' Tap 'Copy.' Press the 'Back' button twice. Tap 'sdcard.' Press the 'Menu' button and tap 'Paste.'

4. Connect your phone to your computer with the Micro USB cable and tap 'USB Mass Storage.' Alternately, you can remove the battery cover, take out the MicroSD card and insert it into a card reader, then connect the reader to your computer's USB port.

5. Click the 'Start' button on your computer desktop. Click 'Computer,' and then double-click the new drive. Click and drag the 'com.skype.raider-1.apk' file to your desktop.

How to Edit Videos on an Android Phone to Make the File Smaller

1. Tap the 'Gallery' icon and open an album.

2. Hold your finger down on the video you need to shrink, and tap 'Trim.'

3. Drag the left slider to the position where you want the video to start.

4. Drag the left slider to the position where you want the video to end. Time markers display on the screen to help you identify specific time frames.

5. Tap the 'Play' button to preview the results.

6. Tap 'Done' to confirm.

How to Build a Simple Clock for an Android in Eclipse

1. Open the Android Eclipse programming software and open the Android project you want to edit. Double-click the XML file for your app.

2. Add the 'LinearLayout' tag container. This container holds the objects such as buttons, text and the clock, so you can display the objects in one screen. Add the following code:




3. Add the clock tag to display the object in the layout container. Place the following code in the LinearLayout tag container:


android:layout_height='wrap_content' />

4. Click the 'Save' button and click 'Run' to execute the code in the Android emulator.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to Check Your Messages on Facebook for Android

1. Open the Android app drawer to view your installed applications.

2. Start the Facebook application by tapping on its icon.

3. Tap the 'Facebook' logo at the top of the screen to view the Facebook home screen (if you aren't already there). The home screen consists of nine icons, a photo section and a notifications bar.

4. Check your Facebook messages by tapping the 'Messages' icon. Unread messages will have a light gray background, while read messages will have a white background.

How to Boot to Clockwork Recovery in Nook Color

1. Open the 'Applications' menu on your Nook Color. Tap 'Market' or the application you're using for marketplace access.

2. Type 'ROM Manager' in the Market's search box and press 'Enter.' Tap 'ROM Manager' when it appears in the search results. Touch 'Install' and 'OK' to install this application on your Nook Color. Tap 'Allow' if prompted by a SuperUser request.

3. Open ROM Manager. Select the first option labeled 'Flash ClockworkMod Recovery.' Tap 'OK' and restart your Nook to finalize the installation.

4. Open ROM Manager when your Nook Color boots and select 'Boot Into Recovery.' Tap 'OK.' Your Nook Color reboots once more, this time launching the recovery boot menu before you enter the Android operating system.

How to Take a Walking Tour of Savannah, Georgia

1. Stop by the Savannah Information Visitor Center. Here you will find maps and brochures for self-guided walking tours as well as information on guided tours and events around the city. The Visitor Center is also home to the Savannah History Museum. The museum features many relics documenting the history of Savannah from the 1700s to the modern day, including the famous park bench from the movie 'Forrest Gump.'

2. Admire the majestic Cathedral of St. John the Baptist located in Lafayette Square. This French Gothic-style cathedral was founded in 1799 and is the mother church of the Diocese of Savannah. The interior was remodeled in 2006 but still contains many original details including the original stained glass windows, tabernacle, bishop's chair and altar.

3. Head north on Abercorn Street and take a left onto East Hull Street, heading towards the Telfair Museum. Make sure to explore the picturesque Chippewa and Orleans Squares along the way. The Telfair is the oldest public art museum in the south and has been touted as an important national resource of the arts, culture and history. Added in 1883, the sculpture garden of the Telfair houses many historical sculptures including the 'Bird Girl' from the book and movie 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.'

4. Step next door to the Jepson Center for the Arts. Built in 2006, the Jepson is the Telfair's newest building and is comprised of galleries for traveling exhibits, an African-American art gallery, southern art gallery and photography studio, and also houses a hands-on gallery for children.

5. Veer west on State Street and walk straight towards Martin Luther King Boulevard. Arrive at the Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum. The museum was founded in 1966 and contains exhibits of ship models, paintings and maritime antiques depicting trade and travel between America and England in the early 18th and 19th centuries.

6. Continue north on MLK and take a right onto West Julian Street. Enjoy a light lunch in City Market, Savannah's arts district. Here you will find many art galleries and locally-owned restaurants, cafes and shops.

7. Proceed east on Congress Street. Take a right onto Drayton Street and continue to the Davenport House Museum at 324 East State Street. This is where the Savannah restoration movement began. Seven women purchased the house in 1954, saving the Federal-style mansion from its future as a parking lot. They then established the Historic Savannah Foundation which eventually spared the entire city's most historic landmarks.

8. Walk back up Drayton Street to East Bay Street, arriving at Factor's Walk. Factor's Walk is a group of iron walkways, stairways and cobblestone ramps that connect Bay Street to the Savannah River level.

9. Explore River Street. River Street is approximately 9 blocks of shopping, bars and restaurants. This is the main hub of the city's famous annual St. Patrick's Day celebration.

10. Board the Savannah River Queen dinner cruise at 9 East River Street. The triple-decker Savannah River Queen has been cruising the Savannah River for over 14 years. Tickets are available for purchase at the dock or online through the boat's Web site listed in the Who Can Help section below.

How to Re

1. Open your favorite Web browser and download the LaunchKey app. Save the APK file on your hard disk drive.

2. Connect the Android phone to your computer by using the USB cable. Transfer the APK file you just downloaded to the phone. Disconnect the phone from your computer.

3. Launch the APK file to install the LaunchKey tool on your phone. Press and hold the 'Search' button until a window pops up. Select the 'Use by default for this action' option and select 'LaunchKey' from the window.

4. Select 'App' in the 'Assign key to' section of the app and press on the 'Select' button. Select the app you want to run when you press the Search button. Whenever you press the Search button, this app is launched.

How to Undo a SafeSearch Filter on the Android's YouTube App?

1. Open the YouTube app on your phone.

2. Click the 'Menu' key and touch 'Settings.'

3. Tap 'SafeSearch filtering.'

4. Touch 'Don't filter' to turn off SafeSearch.

How to Get Android to Read iCal

1. Click the 'Finder' icon in the computer's dock, followed by the 'Applications' folder. Double-click the 'iCal' icon to launch the application.

2. Click on the calendar that you want to read on your Android device to highlight it. Click the 'File' menu, move your mouse cursor over the 'Export...' option and select the 'Export...' option from the slide-out menu. Click the 'Export' button to export the calendar as an iCal .ics file.

3. Open a Web browser and navigate to the Google login page. Type the email and password for the Google account associated with your Android device in the spaces provided and click the 'Sign In' button to sign into your account.

4. Click the 'Calendar' option at the top of your Google homepage. Click the arrow to the right of the 'Other Calendars' heading and select the 'Import Calendar' option from the drop-down menu.

5. Click the 'Choose File' button, highlight the .ics file you saved in Step 2 and click the 'Open' button. Click the 'Import' button to import the .ics file into Google Calendar. Since Android devices are synced with your Google account in real-time, the calendar is added to your Android device immediately.

Alternatives to the Android Emulator

What is an Android Emulator?

The Android Emulator is a software program that emulates the Android operating system for smartphones. This software installs on your desktop computer and allows you to try out applications that you have developed for the Android operating system. You develop the software and then open it with the Android emulator on your computer. This allows you to work out any bugs that the software may have before you offer the application for sale on the Android Market.


One way to try out Android applications on your computer is to use BlueStacks. BlueStacks is a software program that you can download to your computer which will allow you to play Android apps as if you were playing them on your smartphone. It is a free download and it allows you to play any Android applications that are installed on your system. You can also push apps that are installed on your phone to the platform via a cloud server.

Android x86

Android x86 is an open-source platform that allows you to emulate Android applications on your computer. This platform is free to download and it lets you test out your Android apps. The project was originally designed as a way to host patches that were created by developers, but it evolved into an entire platform that emulated the Android operating system on a computer. Some developers use it in conjunction with Virtual Box software.


Instead of trying out your apps on the Android emulator, another option to consider is to test them out on an Android device. With the Android software development kit, you can upload apps that you develop onto your Android smartphone or tablet. Then you can test the app out to see if it works on a real device. The downside to this approach is that it can be tedious to fix small issues and then upload the newest version to the phone each time.

Friday, May 10, 2013

How to Stop Cell Phone Spying

How to Stop Cell-Phone Spying

1. Turn off your phone's Bluetooth or place the Bluetooth out of 'discoverable' mode. Typically these settings will be found in your phone's main 'settings' menu.

2. Turn off your phone's GPS receiver. Typically this option will be found under 'phone settings' in a GPS section. It may vary according to the phone's operating system (OS).

3. Turn off your IR port. Infrared isn't used on newer devices, but may be used on older cell phones. This port can be turned off in the settings section of your phone.

4. Download only trusted software for your mobile phone's OS. We suggest downloading applications from your phone's applications store, which are approved for download only after thorough testing.

5. Install a spyware-scanning application on your cell phone. Just like on your personal computer, the scanning application will examine your phone for spyware and help you remove any problem files. All major mobile OS app stores offer spyware software.

6. Delete SMS, MMS and email messages that you have read and no longer need, to prevent cell-phone spies from prying into your personal information.

7. Turn your phone off for short periods of time throughout the day. Many cell-phone spies latch onto your signal when they are in your vicinity, then track as your signal jumps from tower to tower. Turning off your phone causes the signal to be lost unless the spy is within your phone's tower range.

8. Don't let your phone out of your sight. This ensures that no spying software can be installed directly to your phone.

9. Watch for telltale signs that your phone has been hacked, which can include trouble turning your phone off, indicator lines and phone noises when the phone is not in use, and odd background noises and clicks when on phone calls.

How to Change a Name in 'Civilization 5: Skidrow'

1. Turn on your PC and run the Civilization 5 game. Press 'Esc' to skip the introduction movie. Select your user profile and click 'OK' to continue.

2. Click 'Load a Saved Game' and select the save file you want to play, then click 'OK' to load it. Wait for the save file to load before continuing.

3. Press 'Esc' during game-play to pause the game. Select 'Options' and then 'User Profiles.' Select your player profile and click 'Edit' to make changes.

4. Type a new name for your profile and click 'Save Changes' to confirm your new settings. Change your profile name at any time by returning to the 'User Profiles' menu.

How to Get Pandora to Work With the White Pandigital Novel

1. Press the 'Menu' button on your Pandigital Novel to view the device options menu.

2. Tap 'Applications' and 'Unknown sources.'

3. Tap 'Yes' to allow installations of third-party applications such as Pandora.

4. Press the 'Home' button to return to the device's home screen.

5. Tap the 'Web' icon to open your Web browser.

6. Navigate to the Pandora website at Pandora.com.

7. Click 'Download' to download the Pandora Android application.

8. Tap and hold the Pandora entry in the downloads window that appears.

9. Tap 'Open' and 'Install' to initiate installation.

10. Allow Pandora to access network communication and system tools. You must allow this access for the application to run properly.

11. Allow Pandora to access phone call state if you want music playback to pause when you initiate or receive a call and resume when the call is complete. This access is optional.

12. Allow Pandora to access your personal information if you want to enable Pandora station sharing or to personalize the ads that you receive from Pandora. This access is optional.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

What Is the File Extension .ASK?


A file with an .ASK file extension is an AskSam database file. The .ASK file extension serves as a marker to your computer, allowing it to recognize, locate and access the information contained in an ASK file.


You are most likely to find an ASK file in your Documents folder.


ASK files are searchable, allowing you to find specific information quickly.


ASK files are useful for large research projects, finding key pieces of information in lengthy word documents like legal briefs, locating data in a very long spreadsheet, archiving emails and saving a collection of minutes from meetings.


ASK files require AskSam to function properly. If you get an error message while trying to access an ASK file, AskSam may not be correctly installed on your computer.

How to Build an App in Mac


1. Determine if your application will solve a novel problem or serve a specific niche (see Resource 1 to research existing apps at Mac's App Store).

2. Download and play with as many apps as possible. Determine what functionality you would like to include in your product.

3. Create a team of skilled professionals who can serve as researchers, project managers, developers and advertisers from family, friends and co-workers. Hire technology developer contractors, if necessary.

4. Prepare a non-disclosure agreement, or a contract, for your team members to ensure that your ideas are not stolen.

5. Locate your target market and include this group in every phase of the design through user testing.

6. Sketch out your idea on multiple standard sheets of paper. Create at least one thumbnail page of your application per screen. Experiment with a variety of navigation schemes.

Design and Development

7. Join the Apple Developers Program to access iOS SDK 4 for developing applications (see Resource 2). Input your debit or credit card information to complete the sign up.

8. Download a Photoshop template to solidify your layout (see Resource 4). Create working prototypes of the final model using image editing software.

9. Create Objective C code using Xcode as you begin to design your application, since each sequence of your design will require coding to work.


10. Email those interested in your application weeks before its release to promote your product.

11. Incorporate social media sites into the application, such as Facebook or Twitter platforms, to communicate with users and obtain feedback.

12. Anticipate multiple releases to roll out a new feature periodically.

How to Export a Project in NetBeans

1. Complete your project before you begin. Run your project a few times from within the NetBeans framework to make sure it runs properly. Run it by clicking the 'Run Project' button on the top menu.

2. Save your work and then click on the 'Build' menu option at the top of the screen to open a drop-down menu.

3. Scroll through the drop-down menu and select the option 'Build Main Project' to open the export menu.

4. Use the 'Browse' button to open a drop-down menu. Select the folder to which you want to export and save your Java executable file and click 'OK.'

5. Wait for the export process to finish and open your export folder. Click on the exported file to run it.

How to Remove Gmail From Streak

1. Exit the Gmail app if you currently have it open.

2. Tap the 'Market' app icon.

3. Press the 'Menu' button on your Streak. Tap 'My Apps.'

4. Scroll down and tap 'Gmail.'

5. Touch the 'Uninstall' icon at the top right of the details page that appears.

6. Tap 'OK' when asked if you are sure that you want to remove the Gmail app from your Dell Streak.

How to Get Android Market on a Pandigital E

1. Visit the Pandigital firmware upgrade page from your eReader. To access this page, touch the “Upgrade” icon, located on the “Application Quick Launch Bar” (bottom of home screen). The upgrade icon is represented by the picture of a hammer and wrench.

2. Tap the link labeled “Click here to run PC Updater Application.”

3. Wait for the prompt to connect your eReader to your computer. Connect one end of a compatible mini-USB cable to your eReader's USB port. Connect the other end of the cable to your computer's USB port.

4. Wait as the firmware for your Pandigital device is upgraded. This may take a few minutes, depending upon the speed of your computer.

5. Touch the “Slide Sam 4.0” application that now appears on your eReader's home screen. Browse through the thousands of Android applications that are available for your Pandigital device.

Gmail for Android Is Not Sending

Internet Access

Before you do anything, you should make sure you have Internet access. If you don't, then of course that's the reason you can't send any emails. Look in the top right portion of the display to see the network coverage indicators. You will know that you have data access over your cellular network if you see a green 'E,' '3G' or '4G' icon, and a green icon shaped somewhat like a triangle means you have Wi-Fi access. If those icons are white, your connection isn't active, and you may need to move around a little to get a stronger signal.

Basic Troubleshooting

Sometimes the solution is as easy as opening the message and tapping the 'Send' button again; occasionally messages get stuck sending if you don't have Internet access when your device tries to send the message for the first time. Another option is to press the 'Menu' button and tap 'Refresh' to force the device to sync itself with Gmail's servers. If none of those help, you should try turning your device entirely off and then back on, and attempting to resend the email.


Emails won't send if the Android device's auto-sync option is disabled. Disabling this feature can help you reduce data usage, but in many cases emails won't send without you taking extra action each time you want to send something. You can check this feature by going to the Home screen and pressing the 'Menu' button and tapping 'Settings,' then 'Accounts & sync.' You can enable or disable 'Auto-sync' at this screen, and you can enable or disable 'Background data.' Background data controls auto-sync, so if it's off, auto-sync is off as well. If the former is off, the latter is off as well. You can enable both of them, even just temporarily, to try to get your messages in Gmail to send.

Clear Cache

In rare cases, data stored in the Gmail app's cache can cause obscure errors that many Android users have reported result in problems sending emails. If you clear Gmail's cache, you shouldn't lose any important data, but it may fix an error causing problems with sending a message. Go to the Home screen and press the 'Menu' button; then tap 'Manage Apps,' then the 'All' tab. Locate the Gmail app in the alphabetized list and tap it; then tap 'Clear cache.'

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to Uninstall AutoKiller in an Android

1. Tap the 'Menu' button.

2. Tap 'Settings.' If you do not see it, tap 'More' first.

3. Tap 'Applications,' and 'Manage Applications.'

4. Tap 'AutoKiller.'

5. Tap 'Uninstall,' and 'OK' to confirm.

How to Compile Android for a Netbook

1. Open the Web browser on your netbook computer. Type “android-x86.org” in the search box and click the “Search” button. Click on the “Android-x86 ISO” hyperlink and download the file to your netbook computer. After the bootable file is installed on your netbook, burn the file on a USB flash drive.

2. Insert a USB flash drive into an open USB port on your netbook computer. Delete or remove any files that you’ve saved on the flash drive, and make certain it has at least 256MB of free space. Transfer all of the files that you want to keep from the USB drive to your netbook's hard drive; alternately, if you have an extra USB flash drive, you can copy your files to that external drive.

3. Run “UnetBootIn” or “Win32DiskImager” and burn the “Android-x86 ISO” file on the USB flash drive. Follow the software instructions for writing bootable images to an external storage device. For example, if you are using “UnetBootIn,” click on the bullet next to “Diskimage.” Then click on the “...” button and select “Android-x86 ISO.” Go to the “Menu” option, located near the bottom of the screen, and select the name of the USB flash drive. Click the “OK” button. It may take the application several minutes to finish copying the Android-x86 ISO file to the USB flash drive.

4. Restart your netbook computer. Press the “F2” key on your keyboard before the Windows startup screen displays to enter the BIOS setup menu. Follow the instructions near the bottom of the BIOS screen, using the appropriate keys to navigate through the menu screens.

5. Change the boot priority order. Select the sequence option that will enable your netbook computer to boot first from the USB flash drive. Press the “Esc” or “F10” key to save the changes to your BIOS and exit. Your netbook computer will reboot when you exit BIOS.

6. Wait for the installation process to begin. When prompted, select a partition to install the Android OS on your netbook's hard drive. Format the partition using the EXT3 format, and then install the GRUB boot loader. Reboot your netbook computer to enable the Android OS to compile. If you do not want to install the application on your netbook's hard drive, select the option enabling the Android OS to run from the USB flash drive.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to Install Apps for the Sylvania Tablet

1. Ensure that there is a MicroSD card installed on your tablet. If a MicroSD card is installed, it will be inserted into the MicroSD card slot that is located on the right side of your tablet. If you do not have a MicroSD card, purchase one from an electronics supply store.

2. Open the Internet browser application on your tablet and navigate to slideme.org.

3. Click the “Download SAM” link that is located on the lower right-hand side of the page. Choose your preferred language.

4. Touch “Save” to save the application to your Android Device. A prompt appears asking if you want to install the application; click “Install.” When the installation is complete, click “Done.”

5. Open the SAM application on your tablet. Read and agree to the end-user agreement.

6. Browse through all of the different categories of applications. When you see an app you want to install, click “Download” and “Install” to download and install the application onto your device.

How to Instant Root an Android Phone

1. Go online to the Android Developers' Android SDK download page at developer.android.com/sdk and select the download that corresponds to your operating system. For instance, if you're using Windows 32-bit, click 'android-sdk_r12-windows.exe.' Run the file after it downloads to install the SDK to your computer.

2. Go online to Oracle's Java SDK download page at oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads, select 'Java Platform (JDK) 7,' click 'Accept License Agreement' and click the package that corresponds to your operating system. For instance, if you're using Windows 32-bit, click 'jdk-7-windows-x32.exe.' Run the file after it downloads to install the Java development kit to your computer.

3. Go online to the SuperOneClick developers' site at shortfuse.org, select 'SuperOneClick,' click 'XDA Page,' scroll down to 'Attached Files' and select 'SuperOneClickv1.9.5-ShortFuse.zip' to save the file to your computer.

4. Activate your Android device, open the 'Settings' app, select 'Applications,' tap 'Development' and select 'USB Debugging.'

5. Connect your Android handset to your computer using the device's USB connector cable. Do not select the option in the popup window to mount your device as this could damage your phone.

6. Launch the Android SDK on your computer and double-click the SuperOneClick ZIP file you downloaded to your computer.

7. Click the 'Root' button in the SuperOneClick application window. The program instantly roots your Android device and displays 'Success' when the rooting process is finished.

Forklift Safety Games


Marcom has designed a forklift safety game patterned after the famous TV game show 'Jeopardy.' The game is played on a computer using a CD-ROM disc. Two teams are created to play against each other, meaning a large group of employees can be trained at the same time. The trainer plays the role of host of the game show as employees answer questions about forklift safety in order to edge out the opposing team.

Etcetera Entertainment

Etcetera Entertainment partnered with the National Safety Council to develop a forklift simulator game that is played on a computer. Employees are put behind the wheel of a virtual forklift in a warehouse and perform common forklift tasks in accordance with OSHA safety standards. The virtual environment features other forklifts, people, and safety hazards that employees learn to avoid. Logitech offers two racing wheels that are compatible with the game, or employees can play using a keyboard and mouse.

Safety Bingo

The game of Safety Bingo follows the same general rules as regular bingo. Each employee is given a bingo card. Every day a different number is posted in a certain place (like a break room) for everyone to see. The first person to get five numbers in a row wins a prize as determined by management. If there is an injury one day, then the game starts over on the next day and everyone gets a new card. Safety Bingo provides a fun incentive for forklift operators to keep the workplace accident-free.

How to Tether a DROID to a Mac

Easy Tether Lite

1. Press 'Home' on your DROID and tap 'All Programs.' Tap 'Market' to run the Android Market app.

2. Tap 'Search' and type 'Easy Tether Lite' in the search field. Press 'Enter' to search for the app, and tap the download link to install the app on your phone.

3. Visit mobile-stream.com on your Mac to download the Mac OS X drivers for Easy Tether Lite. Double-click the DMG file to install the drivers on your computer.

4. Connect your DROID to a USB port on your Mac. Run Easy Tether Lite on your DROID. Tap the 'Mac OS X' option and tap 'Next.' Tap 'Settings' when you're prompted and tap the 'USB Debugging' option under 'Applications Development.'

5. Click 'System Preferences' in your Dock in OS X. Click 'Network' and choose 'EasyTether' from the available interfaces. Click 'Apply' to connect to the Internet via your smartphone connection.

Tether for Android

6. Run the Android Market app on your DROID and search for 'Tether for Android.' Tap the download link to install the app.

7. Visit tether.com to download the Mac OS X drivers for Tether for Android. Double-click the setup package to install the software.

8. Tap 'Settings' on your DROID. Tap 'Applications' and 'Development,' and tap the 'USB Debugging' option to turn it on.

9. Run Tether for Android on your DROID and your Mac. Click 'Android' and 'USB' in the dialogue box on your Mac. Tap 'USB' on your DROID and connect your DROID to your Mac with the USB cable. Browse the Internet.


10. Run the Android Market app and search for 'PdaNet.' Tap the download link to install the app on your phone.

11. Visit junefabrics.com to download the PdaNet drivers for Mac OS X. Double-click the installer package and click 'Apply' when the Network Preferences window pops up.

12. Tap 'Settings---Applications---Development' on your DROID and tap the 'USB Debugging' option. Connect your DROID to a USB port on your Mac.

13. Click the PdaNet status-bar icon at the top of the screen on your Mac to connect to the Internet through your phone.

How to Install JAR Files on a Motorola Phone

1. Plug your Motorola phone into your computer using the USB cable that came with the unit.

2. Navigate to the phone's file directory using Windows Explorer. Open the folder called 'KJava.'

3. Drag and drop the JAR file you would like to install on your phone into the KJava folder.

4. Eject the phone from the USB connection and activate your phone. Find the phone's application folder and choose 'Install New.'

5. Run the installation wizard. When the game has finished installing on your phone, you will be able to find it in your applications folder.

How to View an XML File on the Android

1. Navigate to the XML file on your phone. You might find it in your files, someone might have emailed it to you or it might be on the Internet.

2. Tap on the file. It will open in Android's text editor.

3. Scroll up and down to read the file.

Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Rip Navionics HotMaps

1. Direct your Internet browser to the Navionics website. Click the 'Web Store' selection on the menu bar. Click the 'Install ADOBE Air' icon. Make sure your browser is not blocking cookies or the download won't work.

2. Accept the terms of agreement and installation for the Adobe Air program. Install the program to your hard drive. Download and install the Navionics Chart installer on your hard drive.

3. Select and purchase the Navionics maps you need off the Navionics website.

4. Plug the secure digital, or SD, card reader into a USB port on your computer and insert an SD card into the reader. Highlight the Navionics maps to be ripped and transferred. Drag and drop them to the SD card icon on the desktop. Wait for the data transfer to occur. Remove the SD card. It now has the ripped Navionics maps stored within the memory on the card.

5. Insert the SD card into your GPS or marine electronic chart plotter and open the Navionics maps.

How to Upload MP3 Files Onto Facebook

1. Place your MP3 file on a Web host by logging in to your account, locating your 'home' or 'index' directory and then clicking the 'upload' link or button. Follow the prompts to select your MP3 file on your computer to add it to your account and then make a note of this location. A Web host enables you to share your file on the Internet.

2. Log in to your Facebook account and click the “Home” or “Profile” page where you want to place your MP3 file.

3. Click the “Link” icon at the bottom of the text field and type in the Web address for your MP3 from Step 1. For example: http://www.yourdomain.com/audio.mp3

4. Enter the text, such as the title of the file, that identifies your MP3 in the text field above and click the “Attach” button when done. This entry appears as a link when published.

5. Type in the information in the “Unknown Artist” and “Unknown Album” section (if applicable) and then click the “Share” button to upload your MP3 file.

How to Replace the Heating Element in a Whirlpool Oven

1. Open the oven door and locate the identification plate to find the Whirlpool oven's model number. Write this number down and call a local supplier of appliance parts, or search for 'Whirlpool oven parts' online. Purchase the oven heating element.

2. Turn your oven controls to their off positions. Check to see that your oven light works. Turn off the circuit breaker to your oven. It will be a double breaker, as your oven is 240 volts. Verify that the power is cut off to the oven by checking to be sure that the oven light no longer comes on when you open the oven door. Remove the racks from the oven and set them aside.

3. Unfasten the defective oven element by removing the two Phillips screws holding its rectangular plate to the back of the oven. Use a good quality screwdriver as the screws may be very tight and have some rust on them. If needed, press the screwdriver into the screw head with one hand, and turn the handle with a pair of pliers in the other hand.

4. Carefully pull the defective element two or three inches from the back of the oven. Detach the wire leads from the element by carefully pulling on the crimped wire connectors. Use a pair of pliers if necessary.

5. Compare the new heating element that you purchased with the defective one. It should be the same size and shape and have identical ends where the wires connect. Attach the wire leads to the new element, carefully easing the wires into the hole in the back of the oven, and reattach the mounting plate with the two Phillips screws.

6. Turn the oven circuit breakers back on, test the oven light for power, and turn on the oven. The heating element should now heat up and work normally.

How to Upload Hello Mapview on Android Devices

1. Connect the Android device to your development computer using the Android's USB cable. Copy the Hello Mapview APK file from the computer to the Android device's sdcard.

2. Click the Windows 'Start' button and type 'cmd' in the search text box. Press 'Enter' to open the command line utility.

3. Type 'adb install /path/apkfile.apk' where the path and APK file is the path and name of the Hello Mapview APK file.

4. Press 'Enter' to install the file. The Android command utility installs the app to your device, and a 'Success' message returns when the installation completes.

How to Unlock NAND on a Rooted Evo

1. Use the shell you created when you rooted the phone and restart your phone in recovery mode. Use the 'adb reboot recovery' command. Perform a nandroid backup on your phone to make sure you can restore the ROM in case something goes wrong.

2. Connect the EVO to your computer by using the USB cable that came with the phone.

3. Open the Web browser on your computer and navigate to the forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=342667&d=1276481776 and save the archive on your hard disk. Navigate to forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=342668&d=1276481802 and save the archive on your hard disk.

4. Extract the two archives on your hard disk drive and two files are created: flash_image and mtd-eng.img. Place both of the files in the root of your SD card.

5. Run these commands in the shell:adb shell

cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image

chmod 755 /data/flash_image

/data/flash_image misc /sdcard/mtd-eng.imgWait a few seconds before continuing the the next step.

6. Navigate to market4android.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/PC36IMG.zip and save the archive on your hard disk. Copy the archive to the root of your SD card and turn off the phone.

7. Press the 'Volume down' and 'Power' buttons simultaneously to boot into hboot. The PC36IMG.zip is verified and you are asked if you want to flash the device. Tap on 'Yes.' Tap 'Yes' when prompted to reboot. The phone will boot into Android.

8. Use the computer's Web browser to navigate to megaupload.com/?d=KKIFPLGK and click on the 'Regular download' button. Save the file on your hard disk drive and copy it to the root of your SD card.

9. Run these commands in the shell:adb shell

cat /sdcard/flash_image > /data/flash_image

chmod 755 /data/flash_image

/data/flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

reboot recoveryYou phone reboots into recovery mode again.

10. Perform a data wipe and dalvik cache (wipe cache partition). Go to the 'Nandroid restore' section and restore the ROM. Your NAND is now unlocked.