Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to Install IPA Games With Winscp


1. Connect your iPhone or iPod Touch and computer to the wireless network. To connect the device, open the 'Settings' app, touch 'Wi-Fi' and select your network.

2. Download and install WinSCP, if you haven't already. WinSCP is a free FTP (file transfer protocol) client for Windows that allows you to access and modify the internal files of the device safely.

3. Open Cydia (installed when you originally jailbroke the device) on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Go to 'Sources', then select 'Manage' and 'Add Source' and type '' without the quotations.

4. Install the package titled Installous using Cydia from the 'Packages' menu. This makes installing downloaded apps simple. Also install OpenSSH from Cydia in the same manner. This allows your computer to connect to your iPhone or iPod Touch.

5. Quit Cydia and reboot your iPhone or iPod Touch to finish and secure the installation.


6. Use WinSCP to locate your device on the wireless network. This will allow you to transfer the files between your computer and the device.

7. Double-click the device to connect to it. Use the user name 'root' and the password 'alpine', which are set by default through OpenSSH.

8. Navigate through the directories in WinSCP to find '/Private/var/mobile/Library/Downloads.' This is the directory that 'Installous' will install the .IPA files from.

9. Copy the .IPA files that you want to install into this directory. After the move has finished, you can quit WinSCP.

10. Open Installous and check the 'Downloads' section to find your recently moved .IPA files. Click them and allow them to install. Reboot your iPhone or iPod Touch to apply the changes, and you'll find the files on your device.

How to Install Aria Apps on an SD Card

1. Press the 'Menu' button, located underneath the LCD, to bring up the pop-up menu. Tap 'Settings,' located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

2. Slide your finger up the screen to scroll through the 'Settings' menu. Find the 'Applications' menu option and tap it. Then tap 'Manage Applications' to bring up a list of all the applications on your Aria.

3. Press the 'Menu' button and tap 'Sort by Size,' since the apps will initially load without any real order. If you would rather arrange the apps alphabetically, press 'Menu' and then tap the 'a-z' button.

4. Scroll down the list of applications until you find one you want to move to the SD card. Tap the application that you want to move to the SD card.

5. Tap the 'Move to SD card' button, located in the middle of the application page, just under the file size. After a few seconds 'Move to SD card' will change to 'Move to phone,' and at that point your app is on the SD card.

How to Change the Clock Display on an Android Phone From Boost Mobile

1. Unlock your Android device by performing the indicated unlock action.

2. Press the 'Menu' button at the bottom of the phone, and then tap 'Settings.'

3. Scroll to the bottom of the menu, and then touch 'Date & Time.'

4. Tap the 'Set Time' option, and then press the '+' and '-' buttons to change the time. Press 'Set' once the time is correct.

5. Press 'Select Time Zone,' and then tap your time zone.

6. Press the 'Use 24-Hour Format' option to switch to a 24-hour clock display format. For example, '1:00 PM' would be displayed as '13:00.'

How to Boot Android From an HD2 SD Card

1. Connect your HTC HD2 Windows Mobile phone to your computer system. Launch Windows Mobile Device Center from the 'All Programs' list in the Start menu. Check your system tray for the green connected icon. The icon turns green when the program detects your phone. Click the green sync icon, which has a pair of arrows on it, to sync your HTC HD2 data to your computer. You should back up this data prior to attempting the Android installation on the phone, to avoid potential data loss.

2. Launch a browser on your computer. Download an Android ROM that is compatible with the HTC HD2 from sites such as or Each ROM comes with a features list that explains how it differs from other Android ROMs. For example, some ROMs launch the Gingerbread version of Android, while others go with earlier versions such as Froyo.

3. Double-click the ROM ZIP file and choose 'Extract' or use a third-party extraction software to unzip the folder. Extract the ROM files on your computer. Click 'Start' and 'Computer.' Drag the entire folder over to your phone's icon in the Computer menu listing. This process places the ROM files directly on the root of the SD card, which is the location they need to be in to work properly.

4. Remove your phone from the computer after the folder transfers over. Tap 'Start' and 'File Explorer' so you can access your SD card. Tap the 'SD card' and the 'Android' folder. Tap 'clrcad.exe' and 'haret.exe,' in that order, to enter the Android environment.

How to Stream Netflix to My Droid X

1. Open the Android Market from your phone's 'Applications' menu.

2. Search for 'Netflix,' and tap the result. Tap 'Download,' and wait while the '.apk' file for Netflix is downloaded and the installation process begins.

3. Authorize all requested permissions when prompted, and tap 'Install.'

4. Tap the 'Applications' menu, and then tap 'Netflix.'

5. Enter your Netflix e-mail and password in their respective fields, and then tap the 'Connect' buttion.

6. Tap 'Genres' to browse by category, or tap 'Search' to perform a direct search for movies or television shows.

7. Tap the arrow to the right of the video's name, and then tap the red 'Play' button to begin streaming the film.

How to Set My Location on an Android

1. Tap 'Menu,' then 'Settings.'

2. Scroll down, and tap 'Location & Security Settings.'

3. Place a check by 'Use GPS Satellites,' if there isn't one already. Also place a check by 'Use Wirelss Networks,' if you want to allow the use of Wi-Fi data.

4. Click 'Agree' to accept the location consent message.

5. Press the 'Home' button; then tap 'Browser.'

6. Type '' in the address bar.

7. Tap 'Settings' at the bottom of the page.

8. Scroll down, and press 'Yes' where it says 'Allow Use of Device Location.' Tap 'Save' to confirm.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to Use Your Android Phone as a TV Remote

1. Connect your set-top box, Blu-ray player, television or digital video recorder to your home's Wi-Fi network. Consult the instruction manual for your device for specific details. Select the name of your Wi-Fi network then enter the access code. The device must have a Wi-Fi connection to the same network that your Android phone uses.

2. Download the Android application that matches with your device. Browse to and search for your device. For example if you have a Google TV device search: 'Google TV Remote.' Some other devices that have Android remote apps are Samsung TVs and Blu-ray players, Tivo DVRs, DISH Network set-top boxes and Verizon FiOS set-top boxes. Alternatively you can search the Android Market on your phone by opening the application launcher then tapping on the 'Market' icon.

3. Click the 'Install' button to load the app to your Android phone. Wait for the file to download and finish installing. Connect your phone to the wireless network used by your TV-connected device. Most apps and devices will automatically connect with each other when both are logged in to the same Wi-Fi network. Read the documentation for your specific device for more information.

4. Launch the remote application on your phone by opening the application launcher then tapping on the icon for your new app. Press the button with the list icon then tap 'Settings' to configure the remote.

How to Use HTC Sync to Put Apps on an Aria

1. Press your Aria's 'Menu' button. Tap 'Settings,' then tap 'Applications.' Tap the 'Unknown sources' box to allow installation of non-Android Market apps on your phone.

2. Open your computer's web browser and go to the HTC Sync 3.0 download page at

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select HTC Sync from the drop-down menu. Click the 'Download' button, then click 'Save File' in the dialog box.

4. Run the downloaded installation file and follow the on-screen prompts to install the HTC Sync program to your computer.

5. Connect your Aria phone to your computer using the USB cable.

6. Tap 'HTC Sync' into the dialog box that appears on your Aria phone.

7. Type a name for your phone into the device set-up box that opens in the HTC Sync program window. Click 'Save' to save the device settings.

8. Click the 'Application Installer' button in the HTC Sync program window on your computer. Click the checkbox next to 'Android OS installer file (apk),' click 'OK' then click the 'Next' button.

9. Click 'Browse' and go to the folder that contains the app that you want to install on your Aria. The app will have the file extension APK.

10. Click 'Open', 'Next', then 'Finish' to install the application to your Aria phone.

11. Follow any installation prompts that appear on your phone to complete installation.

How to Connect Nook to a Computer

1. Plug a microUSB cable into the bottom of your Nook. Connect the other end to an open USB port on your computer.

2. Wait while Windows automatically detects the device and downloads drivers. A pop-up appears in the system tray when your Nook is recognized by the system and ready to use.

3. Click the 'Start' button on your computer. Click 'Computer' to access your computer's files and folders. The Nook appears under the 'Devices with Removable Storage' heading.

4. Click and drag files onto your Nook, or copy and paste files as desired. To copy a file, select the file, then press the Ctrl and C keys. Press Ctrl and V in the Nook window to paste the file onto your Nook.

5. Right-click on the Nook icon and select 'Eject' when you're done managing your Nook files. After clicking 'Eject,' unplug the Nook from your computer.

How Fast Is a Blink of an Eye?


A blink is when a person closes and opens her eyelids one or more times. This particular action may be reflexive, such as when the body feels the eyes need moisturizing, or conscious, such as when a person flutters his eyelashes by blinking fairly rapidly.


The purpose of blinking is to keep the eyes healthy, clean and properly moisturized. The act of blinking spreads tears over the eyes and makes sure that they are always kept wet. Tears are made from the small, lacrimal glands in the eye, and they drain out through the nasolacrimal duct into the nose.


The human eye can blink much faster than a second, and, in fact, it's perfectly possible to blink several times in a single second. On average, a human eye takes between 300 and 400 milliseconds to complete a single blink. That's roughly between three-tenths and four-tenths of a second. So, logically speaking, a person may blink two and three times every second and barely notice it because the blink takes so little time.

Slow Factors

The 300 to 400 milliseconds for a blink is only an average human speed. This time can be affected--usually negatively--by a variety of factors. If there is any foreign substance in the eye, if the person blinking is sick or if there is an injury to the eye, a person's blinking time will be much slower. Additionally, factors such as how tired a person is or if he is on any medications can also slow down blinking time.

Fast Factors

Just as there are factors that will slow down a person's blinking, there are factors that may speed it up. Younger tend to blink faster than older people. Physical health may also figure in, as a healthier body will function more rapidly. Also, if a person is on drugs that would be classified as 'uppers,' such as cocaine or even caffeine, the speed of her blinks will likely increase.

How to Add TwitPic to TweetDeck on an Android App

1. Open TweetDeck and select 'Compose a Tweet.'

2. Press the menu button on Android phone to access the settings menu.

3. Select the option for 'Photo service' to choose your photo-sharing service.

4. Select 'Twitpic' from the choices provided. This adds TwitPic to your Android TweetDeck as the default photo-sharing service.

How to Make Mushroom Spawn

1. Prepare your workspace. A small shed or closet is the best option. Disinfect the area with at least a 10-percent bleach-to-water solution. Make sure the area can be enclosed either by a door or tarp, then add the HEPA filter air purifier.

2. Sterilize all of the implements needed for the spawn-production process. Put anything you cannot buy sterile into polypropylene autoclave bags and sterilize in an autoclave in small batches. Don't bring anything into your work area until it is sterilized. Everything that is used during the process needs to be sterile, this includes you, the room, the air and especially the implements and medium. Follow the instructions for your autoclave; sterilization generally occurs at above 200 degrees F with about 15 psi of pressure for 45 minutes.

3. Make your spawn. Place a small piece of mushroom on an agar medium in petri dishes, keep it moistened and under the proper temperatures for that particular mushroom; the mycelium will grow out and fill the dish in about two weeks. Agar medium is a gelatinous substance made from seaweed cells that is commonly used in laboratory work.

4. Transfer the mycelium when it has just filled the petri with long, healthy strands. Don't let the mycelium grow too long in the petri dishes. Transfer the mycelium to the sterilized grain in jars. Allow it to colonize for about two to four weeks under the proper temperature for the particular species of mushroom.

5. Observe your jars. When they are filled with healthy, white filaments, you have achieved grain spawn. Mushrooms will grow right out of the jar of grain spawn, or you can use it to inoculate more grain. If you repeat the process, one jar of grain spawn can produce up to ten more.

How to Log Out of Comcast Email on an Android Phone

1. Open the application list on your Android phone, then tap on the 'Xfinity Mobile' app.

2. Tap 'Inbox' to open your Comcast email inbox.

3. Push the 'Gear' button on your Android phone's screen. A pop-up menu will appear.

4. Tap 'Log Out,' then tap 'Log Out Now' to log out of your Comcast email.

Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Install Android SDK on a 1.5 Backflip

1. Navigate to the Android Market and search for the ROM Manager app.

2. Tap on the ROM Manager app and tap 'Install' to install it on your Motorola Backflip.

3. Launch the ROM Manager app, and then tap the 'Flash ClockworkMod Recovery' button.

4. Select the 'Motorola Backflip' option and wait until the 'Successfully flashed ClockworkMod recovery' message displays. Tap 'OK.'

5. Insert the SD card in your SD card reader. Windows detects it as an external storage device and assigns a drive to it.

6. Open your Web browser on your computer and navigate to UploadHere to download the file (link in Resources).

7. Click on the black 'Regular Download' button and save the ZIP file on your SD card drive. Do not save it under any folder on the SD drive and do not unpack it.

8. Disconnect the SD card from the SD card reader and insert the SD card in the Motorola Backflip.

9. Reboot the phone and launch the ROM Manager again.

10. Tap the 'Reboot into Recovery' button to reboot your phone in recovery mode.

11. Select the 'Wipe data/factory reset' option. Confirm that you wish to wipe your Motorola Backflip.

12. Select the 'Wipe cache partition' option. Confirm that you want to wipe the cache partition.

13. Select the 'Install ZIP from SD card' option and select the file on the SD card.

14. Select 'Apply.' Wait until the updated Android OS installs on your device and your Motorola Backflip reboots.

How to Enable an Analog Stick in a PSX Emulator

1. Open ePSXe.

2. Click 'Config.'

3. Click 'Gamepad 1.'

4. Click 'Port 1,' then click 'Pad 1.'

5. Select 'Dual/Analog' from the drop down menu on this configuration page, and save your settings. Your analog controller will now be enabled in the software.

How to Back Up and Restore SMS on an Android With Root

1. Unlock your Android phone and open the application launcher. Tap on the 'Market' icon to launch the Android Market. Touch the magnifying glass to open the search bar, then type the name of the app you want to install. Some backup apps that require root access are MyBackup Root and Titanium Backup Pro Root; SMS-only backup applications that don't require root access include SMS Backup & Restore and SMS Backup +. Press 'Enter' after you've entered the name of your desired app, then tap the listing for the app, and touch 'Download' or the price of the app in the blue button. Touch 'Accept & Download' to accept the permissions for the app and begin the installation. When it's finished installing, touch 'Open' to launch the app.

2. Create a backup with MyBackup Root by tapping the 'Backup' button and choosing 'Data' to backup your SMS data. Choose a location for the backup -- either on the phone's SD card or online -- then tap the items you want to back up. Choose 'SMS' from the list -- as well as any other items you want included -- then tap 'OK' twice to initiate the backup. Tap 'OK' again when you're done. To restore the backup, tap 'Restore' from the main screen and select the backup you want to restore. Tap 'OK' and wait for the restore process to complete.

3. To create a backup using Titanium Backup Pro Root, tap on the 'Backup/Restore' button at the top of the screen, then scroll down until you see the icon and title of your SMS app. The default SMS app for Android is called 'Messaging.' Touch your SMS app, then tap 'Backup.' Wait for the process to finish. Repeat the process when you want to restore the SMS messages, but tap 'Restore' instead. Choose either 'Data Only' to just restore the messages, or 'App+Data' to restore both the application and the messages from your backup.

4. Tap 'Backup' in SMS Backup & Restore. Wait for the backup process to complete; this may take a while, depending on the number of messages you have. You cannot back up MMS messages with this app. By default, the SMS messages are saved to the SMSBackupRestore folder on your phone's SD card. Restore the SMS messages by tapping 'Restore,' choosing the file where your backup is located, then tapping 'OK.' The messages are restored to the phone. It may take a while for your Messaging app to recognize and index all of the new messages if you have many SMS files in your backup.

5. Use Gmail to back up your SMS messages with the SMS Backup + application. Log in to your Gmail account on a computer and click on the gear-shaped icon in the upper right to access the settings. Click 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP' from the options at the top of the screen, then click 'Enable IMAP.' Click 'Save Changes.' Tap 'Connect' in the SMS Backup + app on your Android phone. Give permission to access your GMAIL account. Tap 'Backup' and choose the messages you want to back up. Tap 'OK'; the backup happens in the background, and the SMS messages are saved to your Gmail account. Tap 'Restore' to restore the backup to your phone; SMS Backup + automatically skips files that are already present to avoid creating duplicates.

How to Connect an Android to the Computer

1. Connect your Android's USB cable to the phone and to an empty port on the computer. When you've established a connection a USB logo will appear on the phone's notification bar. Though the phone is connected, you will not yet be able to see it from the computer.

2. Open the notification menu by touching your finger to the notification bar and sliding it to the bottom of the Android screen.

3. Tap 'USB Connected' and tap 'Mount' to make your phone's SD card viewable to your computer's operating system.

4. Click 'Computer' from the Windows Start menu and double-click 'Removable Device' to view the contents of your phones SD card. You can now copy files to and from the card as you wish.

5. Right-click 'Removable Device' from the 'My Computer' screen and click 'Eject' to safely remove the device when you're finished.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

How to Organize an Android SD Card

1. Connect your Android phone to your computer using the USB cable that is included with the phone. Drag down the notification area on your phone. Tap 'USB Connected,' then press 'Mount.' This enables your computer to access the SD card on your phone as an external drive.

2. Open the file browser on your computer and access the external drive section. Open the external drive that corresponds to your Android device.

3. Create folders for the different types of media that you want to save. Android recognizes media by folder type. The following folders are supported: Music, Podcasts, Ringtones, Alarms, Notifications, Pictures, Movies and Downloads. Create a new folder with each name. These folders can be either in the main directory or inside the 'Media' directory on the SD card.

4. Copy files from your computer to your Android's SD card. Save MP3 audio files to the 'Music,' 'Podcasts,' 'Ringtones,' 'Alarms' or 'Notifications' folders. Save images to the 'Pictures' folder. Save video files to the 'Movies' folder. Copy any miscellaneous files to the 'Downloads' folder.

5. Tap 'USB Connected' in the notification area on your Android device. Press 'Disconnect,' then unplug the USB cable. The Media Scanner will run to detect the newly added media files.

How to Check the Android Version For an LG Ally

1. Press 'Home' to view the home screen of the LG Ally.

2. Press 'Menu' and tap 'Settings' to view options for your phone. Scroll down and tap 'About Phone.'

3. Scroll down to 'Android Version.' The currently installed Android version is listed in this field.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

How to Make a Nook Color Run Android

Prepping the Card

1. Connect the microSD card to your computer using your preferred method -- card slot, USB adapter, etc. -- and check that it has no data currently stored on it. If it does, back up any data you wish to keep on a different storage device and format the memory card.

2. Download the latest CyanogenMod 7 installer image at and unzip it using your preferred archiving program.

3. Burn the contained disc image file to the microSD card using a disc-authoring program like WinImage.

4. Download a Nook Color CM7 build. Choosing a release classified as 'stable' is probably your best bet.

5. Open the microSD card as a file folder and drag the Nook Color CM7 build zip file to the main folder on the card. Do not unzip it; you'll need the file as is.

Integration with Nook Color

6. Shut down your Nook Color.

7. Insert the microSD card into the microSD slot on the Nook Color.

8. Start up your Nook Color. A penguin will appear in the upper-left corner and a large quantity of code will process before the Nook Color shuts back down.

9. Start the Nook Color back up. It should now be running Android 2.3, minus Google Apps which includes the Android Market.

Installing Google Apps

10. Run the Nook Color with CM7 as directed above and set up Wi-Fi from the settings menu. Check that it's configured to connect to your home network.

11. Power down the Nook Color and remove the microSD card.

12. Connect the card to your computer and download the Google Apps pack for CM7. Move it onto the card's main folder as you did the CM7 Build file beforehand. Check that it isn't unzipped, and is exactly as it was when you originally downloaded it.

13. Re-insert the microSD card into the Nook Color.

14. Restart the Nook Color in Recovery Mode to add Google Apps. Then follow the on-screen instructions to install Google Apps.

Recovery Mode

15. Power down the Nook color.

16. Press and hold down the 'N' Nook key and the power button for roughly six seconds, and then release them. Timing is critical for this to work. If it fails, simply let CM7 boot up as it would normally and move on to Step 3.

17. Press and hold the power button on the home screen until a menu appears with the 'Reboot' option. Select it, followed by 'Recovery' and 'OK.' If either recovery method has worked, a penguin will appear in the upper-left corner after the Nook Color reboots, before the screen again goes blank and the unit powers down.

18. Start the Nook Color back up to successfully complete the recovery necessary to install Google Apps.

How to Export Contacts to My Google Android Phone

1. Bring up the home screen on your Android phone. Go to the Applications page.

2. Tap 'My Accounts.' Tap the Google account that you have associated with this phone.

3. Press the 'Contacts' selection to sync your contacts between your Google account and your Android phone. Once you set the category to sync, the exported contacts will be added to your phone.

4. Shut your smartphone off if you're grabbing your exported contacts from another SIM card. Open the battery cover on your Android phone and pull the battery out by its tabs. Locate the SIM card slot, which may be anywhere within the battery bay depending on the phone model you're using.

5. Go to 'Contacts.' Press 'Menu' and 'Import/Export.' Choose to import your contacts from the SIM card to add them to your Google Contacts. This option is not available on all Android phones, so you may not have this option depending on your phone.

How to Block AdMob on Android

1. Unlock your Android device and open the application launcher. Find the 'Market' icon and touch it. Press the magnifying glass icon, then type the name of the app you want to install. Some options are AD Blocker, AD Block and AdFree. Press 'Enter' to search for the app, then touch the listing and press the button with the price or the word 'Install.' Press 'Accept and Download,' then wait for the app to install on your device. Press the 'Open' button one the app has installed.

2. Enable ad blocking with AD Blocker by touching the name of the application in which you want to block the ads. Choose 'Block' from the pop-up menu. The next time you open that application the Internet connection on your phone will be disabled so that AdMob cannot download ad content. If the app needs the Internet to function properly you cannot block AdMob in this way.

3. Set up ad blocking with AD Block by selecting the app for which you want to block ads from the list. Tap 'Block' and the app will have the Internet connection blocked so that ads can't be loaded while the app is in use. Once you close the app, your phone's Internet connection will be re-enabled.

4. Block ads while keeping an Internet connection open by using AdFree. This app requires that you have root access on your device since it routes the Internet connection through a proxy server that removes ad content. Once the app is installed, all the Internet traffic to your Android device will be filtered for ad content. The space where the ad was supposed to appear will show a white rectangle or an error message.

Friday, May 23, 2014

How to Activate WiFi on a Droid

1. Turn on your Motorola Droid and start at the main screen.

2. Click on the 'Settings' icon.

3. Press 'Wireless & Networks' followed by 'Wi-Fi Settings.'

4. Touch 'Menu' followed by 'Scan' in order to find the appropriate networks in range.

5. Touch a specific network to activate. It is important to realize that before activating your Wi-Fi network, you may be asked to enter a security key and password before hitting 'Connect.'

6. Look for the wireless indicator icon on the top of your screen to verify that your Droid is connected.

How to Watch TV on an Android

1. Install the PlayOn application on your PC. PlayOn was originally developed to be used with gaming consoles and other devices capable of streaming to a television. The most convenient way to watch TV on your Android is to install the software on a computer that has a permanent Internet connection. This turns your PC into a server that will stream videos from sites such as Hulu, Youtube and Netflix. To make it work, you will need to install the PlayOn app from the Android Market. PlayOn has frequent updates. If there is an update for the app, an update is required on the PC or it will no longer work.

2. Use the Orb Live app if you have a TV tuner on your computer. The app will stream the same channels that are picked up by your antenna or cable provider. This is one of the only ways to watch live TV from local stations on a mobile phone. The quality of the video in Orb isn't great, but it is watchable. To use Orb, you will need the software installed on your computer, in addition to the app on your Android phone.

3. Find full episodes from the app. This app has a number of short clips and a few full length episodes. The providers available include CW, Showtime and CBS. The episodes are streamed in real time, and therefore an Internet connection is required. The shows available are from recent, popular shows and a few classics. The app is free and can be quickly downloaded using a Bar Code Scanner app or directly from the Market.

4. Find DroidTV in the Market and install it. DroidTV plays TV episodes in high definition from major TV networks. The episodes are not streamed, but played directly from your phone's SD card. This eliminates the buffering associated with streaming, so their are no wait times. The shows will start instantly and are available to watch at any time, even without an Internet connection. The number of episodes available at one time is limited by the amount of space on the SD card.

5. Navigate to TV on Android from your mobile browser. There are approximately 100 live channels available on the site, and they are viewed directly from the website without any additional software. However, Flash Player is required and a fast Internet connection is recommended. Flash is found in the Android Market if it is not already on your phone.

How to Stop an Android Home Screen From Tilting

1. Press the 'Menu' button on your Android phone and touch 'Settings.' You can also tap the 'Application Drawer' icon on the home screen, scroll to 'Settings' and touch the icon.

2. Touch 'Display.'

3. Tap 'Auto-Rotate Screen' or 'Orientation,' depending on the phone, to remove the green checkmark. The screen will lock in portrait mode and will not tilt or rotate.

How to Install a Kubuntu ISO File

Download and Copy Kubuntu to Disk

1. Determine your processor. In Windows, open the 'Start' menu, click on 'Computer,' then 'System Properties.' If you have a dual-core processor, you can download the 64-bit version of Kubuntu. If you do not, download the i386 version.

2. Download the ISO. Go to the Kubuntu home page and select 'Get Kubuntu' from the top of the page. Select the version for your processor. Choose from the drop-down box where you would like the download to go, and start the download.

3. Once the download is finished, open the ISO file. If you have Windows 7, a Mac or a version of Linux installed, it will automatically open in whatever program you use to burn disks. If you have an older Windows operating system, you will have to use a third-party program to open the ISO. Download and install a software product like ISO Recorder before opening the file. Do not try to write the file directly to the CD-ROM; it will not be usable.

4. Put a blank CD-ROM into your drive.

5. Make sure your program is set to make a disk image and set the speed as low as it can go to prevent errors. Start burning the disk. Do not directly copy the ISO to a data disk: You are using the ISO to make an image of the Kubuntu operating system.

6. When the program is done writing the disk, eject it and label the disk.

Using the Disk

7. As a live CD: Kubuntu can run directly from the CD-ROM without making any changes to your computer. Simply put the disk into the drive and reboot the computer. Most systems are set up to read the CD-ROM before the hard drive and will automatically load Kubuntu. When you are done experimenting, shut down the computer. Eject the disk and boot up normally.

8. With Windows Ubuntu Installer (WUBI): Kubuntu will also install itself into a Windows folder. This version is faster than the CD-ROM, and any updates you make will be saved to your hard drive. Simply start Windows like you normally would, and open the Kubuntu disk in 'My Computer.' Look for the 'WUBI' file and run it. Kubuntu will guide you through the rest of the process.When done, you will have to reboot the computer. When you do, you will see a new screen on startup that asks whether you want to run Windows or Kubuntu. Just use the arrow keys to select the one you want and hit 'Enter.'

9. Full install: Kubuntu also includes a full install option. This can either replace your current operating system or allow for dual booting like the WUBI installer. For more information on permanently installing Kubuntu, see the Kubuntu website.

How to Use a Sandisk Flash Drive

How to Use a SanDisk Flash Drive

1. Find your computer's USB 2.0 Port. If you have bought a computer in the last two years, then all of your USB ports should conform to the USB 2.0 standard. However if you have an older computer, you may only have one or two that fit the 2.0 protocol. In these cases, the USB 2.0 ports are usually in the front, but if you aren't sure you can check your computer's owners manual, or look at the hardware profile section of your computer (which is in the Control Panel, if you are using Windows).

2. Plug the metal part of the flash drive into the designated port that you found in the step above. You may need to apply a little bit of pressure, as it will be a snug fit, but be careful not to jam it in there too harshly.

3. Install any specific driver software. Many SanDisk flash drives, such as the Titanium models, have special drivers and security software that come pre-loaded on the flash drive. If this is the case, a window will pop up once the drive is plugged in. Simply follow the window prompts to install the software and then restart your computer to move on. Note: you will need to unplug your flash drive during the restart process, but you can plug it back in once your computer has fully rebooted.

4. Transfer and save files on to your flash drive.Your flash drive will be accessible now in the 'My Computer' section. Simply click on the flash drive icon to open a window which will display the flash drive's contents. You can drag files into this window to move files onto the flash drive or save them directly to the device by selecting it from the drop-down menu when you are asked where you want to save your work. To retrieve files from the USB flash drive, simply use the same window and drag the contents you your desired location.

How to install the Kindle App for your iPad

1. Power on your iPad by either pressing the 'Home' or 'Reset' button.

2. Slide your finger across the iPad to unlock the device.

3. Tap 'App Store.'

4. Type 'kindle' in the search box on the upper right corner of the screen.

5. Tap 'kindle' under suggestions and the Kindle app appears in a list of apps.

6. Tap 'Free'. The 'Free' icon changes to 'Install App'. Tap 'Install App.'

7. Type your 'Apple ID Password' and click 'OK.' The Kindle app appears on your iPad with a progress bar as it loads.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to Update to AWD Launcher 1.0.1 in CM6

1. Open a Web browser, and navigate to the ADW Launcher website (see Resources). Click the download link for ADW Launcher version 1.0.1 to download the application's .apk package file. This package file contains the data required to install the ADW Launcher application, similar to an .EXE file on a Windows computer.

2. Connect the Android smartphone to the computer via the USB connection cable that came with the device, and launch the computer's terminal application. If your computer does not have a default terminal application, PuTTY, WinSCP and OpenSSH are some applications available for download.

3. Type 'adb install -r FileName.pkg' in the terminal window, replacing 'FileName.pkg' with the name of the .pkg file you downloaded in step 1. The package's file name is listed beneath the file's icon. For example, if the file is named 'ADWLauncher.pkg,' you would type 'adb install -r ADWLauncher.pkg.'

4. Press 'Enter' to execute the command. The updated .pkg file will now be installed on the device.

How to Link GoDaddy Web Mail to an Android

1. Tap the 'All Applications' icon on your Android device.

2. Tap 'Settings.' Scroll down and tap 'Accounts.'

3. Tap 'Add account.' Tap 'Email.'

4. Type in the email address and password for your GoDaddy Web mail account. Tap 'Next.'

5. Tap 'IMAP' for the account type. IMAP is recommended, as it's more reliable than POP3 because messages are occasionally lost when using POP3 on a mobile device.

6. Type in your full email address for the username field and your email account password for the password field under the 'Incoming Server' field. Type '' for the IMAP server field and '143' for the port field.

7. Type '' into the 'Outgoing Server' field and type '80' for the port. Select 'None' for the security type. Tap 'Require sign-in' and then tap 'Next.'

8. Tap 'Next' and enter a name for your account. Tap 'Done' to complete the process of linking your GoDaddy Web mail to an Android device.

How to Know My Own Android Number

1. Press 'Home' on your Android mobile phone. The home screen will be displayed.

2. Press 'Menu' to view the expanded home screen.

3. Tap 'Settings,' then tap 'About Phone.'

4. Tap 'Phone Identity,' then tap 'Phone Number.' The Android's 10-digit number will be displayed.

How to Upload Apps to a Cell Phone

1. Plug your cell phone into the computer using a USB cable. The phone can be plugged into the same port you normally use when charging the phone.

2. Click on the cell phone program that opens on the computer. If nothing comes up, click on the 'Start' icon followed the 'Computer' tab. Double-click on the wireless phone icon.

3. Search for the applications on the computer that you want to add on you cell phone. For Apple iPhone, select the 'App' option in iTunes. The selections of apps you've downloaded will appear on the page under 'Applications.'

4. Launch the 'App' folder on your wireless phone. This will bring up all apps loaded on the phone.

5. Click and drag the app to the application folder. Make sure the app is properly uploaded before unplugging the USB.

How to Forward SMS on an Android

1. Tap the 'Application' tab on your Android's screen and scroll to the Messaging application. Tap the icon to open Messaging.

2. Touch a conversation thread to open the messages in the conversation.

3. Press and hold the message that you want to forward. Tap 'Forward' in the 'Message Options' pop-up window.

4. Enter the name of a contact or a mobile phone number in the 'To' text box. Press 'Send.' The message will be forwarded to the contact or mobile phone number.

How to Bypass 'Touch the Android to Begin'

1. Press and hold the power button to power on your Android phone.

2. Tap the upper left, upper right, lower right and lower left corner of the screen, in that order, when you see the Android welcome screen.

3. Press the 'Menu' button and tap 'Settings.' Manually configure your Gmail account and other settings.

How to Root the Android Moment

Installing Stock Android 2.1

1. Download and install SamsungMoment_Update.exe and make a note of the file-path used to install it.

2. Download stock Android 2.1 and place it into the 'Binary' folder for the Samsung Updater tool via copy and paste or drag and drop. The default file-path should look something like this, although the file-path on your system may vary:C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung Electronics\SWUpgrade\Models\BinaryMake sure this is the only file in the folder and do not extract the file, even if you have a program capable of doing so.

3. Connect your Samsung Moment to the computer via the manufacturer provided USB cable. Make sure that the SD card is also inserted into the phone.

4. Click 'Start,' followed by 'All Programs,' 'Phone Flash' or 'Samsung Electronics,' 'Samsung' and finally 'SWUpgrade' to start up the updater.

5. Follow all onscreen instructions to flash the phone's firmware to stock Android 2.1.

Installing the Recovery Program

6. Open the 'Binary' folder for the Samsung Updater and delete the stock Android 2.1 file. The file-path to this folder should be similar to the following, but may vary:C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung Electronics\SWUpgrade\Models\Binary

7. Download the recovery program and move it into the 'Binary' folder via copy and past or drag and drop. Like the stock Android 2.1 file, make sure it's the only file in this folder and do not extract it.

8. Click 'Start,' followed by 'All Programs,' 'Phone Flash' or 'Samsung Electronics,' 'Samsung' and finally 'SWUpgrade' to start up the updater once more.

9. Follow all onscreen instructions to run the recovery program.

10. Reboot your phone.

Installing Android 2.2.2 (Froyo)

11. Disconnect your phone and plug it back in, and then select 'Mount SD Card' when prompted. When prompted by Windows, select 'Open to View Files' or a similar open to view the card as a file folder.

12. Create a folder labeled 'sdx' on the card at the uppermost directory level. This level may be called 'SD Card' or named for a drive letter (such as F: or E:, yours will vary). Inside of that folder, create another folder labeled 'zip.'

13. Download and CrapKernel 2.2 and move them to the 'zip' folder on the SD card via copy and paste or drag and drop. Do not extract the zip files, they must remain intact for the flashing process.

14. Turn off the phone and disconnect it from the computer.

15. Reboot the phone in recovery mode by pressing and holding the following buttons: 'Volume-down,' 'Talk' and 'End.'

16. Select 'Advanced Options' from the recovery menu. Instructions for menu navigation are included in the 'Tips' section.

17. Click 'Clear Dalvik Cache' and confirm the option, then return to the main menu.

18. Scroll to 'Apply Zip from SD Card' and select it, followed by the file. Confirm the file and allow the phone to install the file.

19. Shut down your phone and boot it up in recovery mode again using the 'Volume-Down,' 'Talk' and 'End' buttons.

20. Select 'Apply Zip from SD Card' once more and this time select '' and confirm the selection, then allow the phone to install the file.

21. Back out to the main menu and select 'Advanced Options.'

22. Select and confirm 'Wipe/Factory Reset' and back out to the main menu.

23. Select 'Reboot to System' and give the phone some time to boot. This may take anywhere from three to 10 minutes. Once the boot is complete, your Samsung Moment will be rooted and running Android 2.2.2 Froyo.

How to Customize an Android After Installing on a Netbook

1. Click the orange slider bar on the right side of your Android desktop. Double-click 'File Manager.' Double-click 'kernel.' Continue to navigate to the proper folder location for your configuration file by double-clicking 'arch,' 'x86' and 'configs.' Move the kernel configuration file to this location if you are customizing the existing Android X86 kernel. If you are using an entirely prebuilt Android kernel, you can save the kernel file in any location. Make a note of the kernel's directory path.

2. Return to the Applications menu. Double-click the Terminal Emulator application to launch this program.

3. Type 'make iso_img TARGET_PRODUCT=eeepc TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG=kernelconfigfile,' where 'kernelconfigfile' is the file name of your kernel configuration file. Do not use this command if you are using the fully prebuilt kernel. Press 'Enter.'


,' where 'kernelfilelocation' is the location of the prebuilt kernel file. You use this command when you want to completely replace the existing Android kernel. Press 'Enter' to execute this command. Close the Terminal Emulator window once you finish.

How to Reset an Android Alarm Service at Boot

1. Power down and then restart your Android device.

2. Open the Android OS application drawer, then tap 'Clock.'

3. Tap the 'Alarm Set' label underneath the clock. This brings up your Android device's alarm service options.

4. Uncheck the box next to the alarm service you'd like to disable. When finished, tap the 'Done' button.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to Root Android Froyo on the Samsung Vibrant

Enabling Third-Party Applications

1. Press the 'Menu' button on the Vibrant's main screen and tap 'Settings.'

2. Touch 'Applications' and check the box labeled 'Unknown sources.' The phone will display a warning message. Tap 'OK' to confirm.

3. Press the 'Home' button to return to the main screen.

Rooting With z4root

4. Tap the 'Web' icon to open the browser.

5. Type '' in the address bar and press 'Enter.' You will see a support forum page. Click the 'z4root.1.3.0.apk' file at the bottom of the first post. The file will download and install automatically.

6. Press the 'Home' button to return to the main screen and open the application screen.

7. Touch the 'z4root' icon and tap 'Root.'

Rooting With SGH-959 Root Update

8. Press the 'Menu' button on the phone's main screen and touch 'Settings.' Tap 'Applications' and touch 'USB settings.' Select 'Mass storage.'

9. Plug the Vibrant into the USB port on your computer using the USB data cable that came with the phone. The Vibrant will display a prompt asking what you want to do. Touch 'Mount USB.' The computer will detect the phone as a USB drive. If you have a memory card installed, the computer will detect the card and the phone as separate drives.

10. Open your computer's web browser and download the SGH-959 Root file from Save the file into the phone's internal memory. If you have a memory card installed, make sure the drive you save the file in contains a folder called Android.

11. Click the Start button on the Windows task bar and select 'Computer.' The Vibrant will appear as a drive under 'Devices with Removable Storage.' Double-click the drive to open it and look for a folder called Android. If you don't see an Android folder, it means you are looking at the memory card.

12. Right-click the SGH-959 Root and select 'Rename.' Change the name to ''

13. Disconnect the Vibrant and turn it off. Hold down the volume up button and press the power button to turn it back on. The phone will reboot into a recovery screen. Repeat this step if it reboots normally.

14. Press down on the volume rocker switch until 'Reinstall Packages' is highlighted. Press the power button to select. When the phone comes back on, it will be rooted.

How to Make an iPhone More Like an Android With Widgets on Springboard Pages

1. Tap the 'Cydia' icon.

2. Tap the 'Search' icon.

3. Type 'QuickWidgets' in the search bar.

4. Select the 'QuickWidgets' application from the search results.

5. Tap the 'Install' icon.

6. Tap the 'Confirm' icon to install Android-like widgets on your iPhone's springboard.

How to Turn on 3G on a Droid Phone

Activating 3G

1. Press the power button and slide the unlock button to the right to unlock the screen. Press the 'HOME' button.

2. Press the 'MENU' button, then tap 'Settings.' Tap 'Wireless & Networks.'

3. Scroll down the list and tap 'Mobile networks.' Check the box next to 'Data enabled' if it is blank.

4. Press the 'HOME' button to return to the home screen.

Enabling/Disabling Airplane Mode

5. Press the power button and slide the unlock button to the right to unlock the screen. Press the 'HOME' button.

6. Press the 'MENU' button, then tap 'Settings.' Tap 'Wireless & Networks.'

7. Tap the box marked 'Airplane Mode.' Press the 'HOME' button. Your 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios are now disabled.

8. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to disable Airplane Mode and re-enable your wireless radios. Your connection to the 3G data network will be reset.

How to Upload Videos From Your Droid Phone to Facebook

Video Streaming Application

1. Download a video streaming application for the Droid. Applications such as Bloo or Qik are user favorites.

2. Download the Facebook application for the Droid. Open the application and log in to your Facebook account to confirm it is working properly.

3. Record a video or or access your existing videos.

4. Open the video streaming software, and click on the video you want to upload. Select 'Share.' Choose Facebook from the available options. The video will be uploaded to your Facebook wall.


5. Download the Facebook application for the Droid. Once downloaded, access your Facebook account on the device.

6. Click on 'Upload Video' and select 'Mobile Phone' from the options. Facebook will generate an email address for you to send your video to.

7. Open the Droid's email application and attach the video you would like to upload to Facebook. The email's subject line is the caption for the video.

8. Send the email with the video attachment to the address that Facebook generated for you. Facebook will immediately upload the video to your wall.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How to Unlock My Sprint Android Phone

1. Press and hold the 'Power' button on your Sprint Android phone. Wait for the phone to boot.

2. Tap the green bar located on your phone's home screen.

3. Slide it across the phone to unlock it.

List of Web Browsers That Support Java Applets

Internet Explorer

Microsoft Internet Explorer runs on computers utilizing the Windows operating system. The newer versions utilize Sun Microsystems Java Virtual Machine (VM). While Microsoft had developed it's own VM, it no longer offers its customers that option. Internet Explorer is the most widely used web browser in the world and offers complete support for Java applets. Internet Explorer is currently available for the Windows operating system.

Apple Safari

Apple Safari is a newer web browser, originally developed for the Mac OS and then ported to Windows. It also offers full Java support. Safari uses Sun's Java Virtual Machine. Apple has supported Java Safari has supported Java since Safari's first release. Safari is available on Windows and Mac operating systems users.


Mozilla's Firefox browser has quickly become a very popular web browser. Java is fully supported by Firefox via the Java Plug-in for Firefox. To properly run Java applets you must also install Java 6 Update 15 from Sun Microsystems. Firefox runs on all major desktop platforms.


Opera is another browser that is fully Java capable. It's different from some browsers in that it directly accesses the Java virtual machine, as opposed to accessing it through a plug-in. Opera is available for all major desktop operating systems.


Google's Chrome browser is one of the newest web browsers and was designed to offer a full Java experience. Chrome accesses Java via a plug in. Chrome is available for Windows, Mac and Linux

Mobile Browsers

Several mobile browsers support Java. The mobile edition of Java is called Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME). Java ME browsers don't normally offer the full Java experience, and usability will differ from device to device. The mobile virtual machine is known as the K Virtual Machine, and in most cases most be installed on the phone by the manufacturer. Notable exceptions are Apple's IOS devices and Google's Android devices. IOS devices do not run applets. Android offers limited applet support.

Cheats for 'Dragons of Atlantis'

Replenishing Your Gold

Gold is important because it buys the materials you need to build your city. Gold is replenished on an hourly basis, but it is possible to increase your gold. Building more houses in your city will increase your taxes, therefore increasing your gold. Building the nicest houses you can will raise your taxes higher. The citizens of your city also need entertainment, so building a theater will attract citizens and generate revenue. Another easy way to make more gold is to raise taxes.

Replenishing Your Resources

You need resources like coal and lumber to build your city. Resources are replenished on an hourly basis. One way to increase production of your resources is to conquor lands dominated by winderness. This will allow you to use that land to find resources for your city. It is also important to build better mines, lumber mills, and farms. Having upgraded shops with which to find your resources will make for greater production of that resource.

Prevention of Attack

Having a strong city is very important to keep power there. Spies can find out important information about future attacks. Be sure the wall that surrounds your city is the most upgraded wall that your gold can buy; this can help repel an invading army's attack. Also train as many soldiers as possible and place them around the wall to defend your city.

The Happiness of Your Citizens

The happiness of your citizens will determine many other aspects of your game. If your current citizens are happy, then more will come, creating a larger tax base. If you build places for entertainment, for example, your citizens will pay gold to visit them. Happy citizens will also work harder for you. This will increase the productivity rate of your resources.

Monday, May 19, 2014

How to Watch TV on an Android Smartphone

1. Download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for Android phones. The plug-in will allow you to watch Flash videos, animation, games and multimedia content on your phone. The software can be downloaded from the website.

2. Configure and sync your Gmail account with your Android phone. Press the 'Home' icon on the phone and open the 'Email' application. Select 'Next' on the 'Your accounts' page. Type your Gmail address and password, then select 'Next.' Create a nickname for your account that will display on your outgoing messages. Tap 'Done' when you are finished.

3. Verify your settings from the 'Inbox' view. Tap 'Menu' and then 'Account settings.' Check to make certain that the information for 'Incoming Settings' is set up for 'IMAP server:, Port: 993, and Security type: SSL (always).' For 'Outgoing Settings,' the information should be set up for 'SMTP server:, Port: 465, Security type: SSL (always).'

4. Open the Web browser on your phone. Enter 'Android Market' in the search field and tap the 'Search' button. After the Web page loads, sign in using your Gmail account. 'Click the 'Sign In' link located near the top of the page. Type your login credentials in the appropriate fields and click 'Sign In.'

5. Choose a mobile TV application that is compatible with your Android phone. Type 'TV' in the 'Search' field located near the top of the Web page. On the left side of the Web page, you will see a list of TV app icons. Scroll down until you see an app that you want to install on your phone. Click the 'Install' button next to that icon.

6. Follow the on-screen prompts on your phone to install the downloaded app. Click the 'Logout' link on the Android Market page when you are finished.

Cheats for Counter Strike Portable

Entering cheat codes

While playing, press the ` key to open up the console menu and type in sv_cheats 1. At the start of every turn, enter in the word 'noclip' to activate the cheat codes.

Cheat Codes

Type in following to activate cheats:sv_gravity#: replace the # sign with an actual number to affect the stage gravity.r_shadowids 1: players who are in the shadows are revealedimpulse 101: $16,000 in your accountcl_crosshairscale 4000: your crosshairs become smallerphys_pushforce#: cause bodies and other objects to fly farther when movednet_graph 0: Stats are no longer at the bottom of the screennet_graph 1: Returns stats to the bottom of the screenhost_timescale*: change the '*' to a number to increase your speedmat_wireframe 3: Ability to see through wallssv_showimpacts: Shows you where your bullets hit your targetsmat_proxy 2: walls become invisibler_drawothermodels 2: wireframe player modelsimpulse 99: skulls rain down from the skyprops!: props appear throughout the stagesettings: allows you to change the appearance of your character

How to Set Up Ymail on Android

1. Press 'Home' on your Android phone, then tap 'Mail.'

2. Tap the arrow in the upper left of your phone's screen, then tap 'New Account.'

3. Tap 'Other (POP3/IMAP).' Enter your Ymail email address and password in the indicated fields. Tap 'Next.'

4. Enter the account details, including your name. You can elect to enter an identifying name for the account instead of your real name. Tap 'Next.'

5. Tap 'Finish Setup' to add your Ymail account to your email application.

How to Transfer Games From a PC to a NOOK

1. Navigate to the folder on your computer that contains the .APK files of the games you want to transfer. This is usually the game’s original download folder.

2. Turn on the NOOK and connect the USB cable to your computer.

3. Select the 'Open or View Files' from the list of options on the computer screen. Click the “MyNOOK” icon in the “My Computer” window.

4. Open the “My Files” folder, and double-click the “My Downloads” folder.

5. Go back to the folder containing the .APK files. Right-click the file you want to transfer, and select “Copy” from the menu.

6. Right-click inside the “My Downloads” folder, and then click “Paste” to transfer the game file to your NOOK.

How to Upload Android Pictures Onto PC

1. Connect your Android phone to your computer using the provided USB cable. Once the phone is connected, a USB logo appears in the Android notification bar.

2. Press the notification bar on the top of your Android's screen and slide your finger down to open the notification panel.

3. Tap the 'USB Connected' notification and tap 'Mount SD Card.' This makes your SD card information accessible to your computer.

4. Click 'Start' from your Windows desktop and click 'Computer' to open Windows Explorer. Double click your Android device to view its contents. Windows lists your phone as 'Removable Drive.'

5. Double click the 'DCIM' folder on your Android SD card and double click 'Camera' to view the stored images. Press 'Ctrl+A' on your computer keyboard to select all images in the folder. Next, press 'Ctrl+C' to copy the images to your Windows clipboard.

6. Open a second Explorer window and browse to the location where you would like to store the images on your computer. Click 'Edit' and select 'Paste' to copy the images to the selected folder. You can now delete the images from your phone, since they are backed up on your computer.

7. Close the SD card window and return to 'Computer.' Right click the removable device and click 'Eject' to unmount your SD card. Afterward it is safe to disconnect your Android phone.

How to Open a PDF With DROID

1. Install the Adobe Reader for Android application (see Resources). Adobe is one of the most well-known names in the PDF world, having created the format. Using the Adobe Reader application, you can view PDF files you've saved to your phone or those located on the Web.

2. Download Documents to Go for Android (see Resources). This software suite has a PDF viewing application bundled in called PDF to Go. This package is a good option for those looking to add support for PDFs as well as a few other document types.

3. Read PDF files on your DROID with BeamReader PDF Viewer (see Resources). This application has the unique feature of allowing you to view password-protected and encrypted PDF files, provided you have the password or necessary credentials to do so.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to Reset an Android G1

1. Press 'Home > Menu' hard keys and then touch 'Settings.'

2. Finger scroll the screen and touch 'SD card & phone storage.'

3. Choose the 'Internal Phone Storage' section and tap 'Factory data reset.'

4. Tap 'Reset phone' on the 'Factory data reset' screen and if prompted, enter the screen unlock pattern (see Tips) and tap 'Erase everything.' The G1 will now be reset.

How to Back Up Android Text Messages

1. Open the Android Marketplace by touching its icon on your phone.

2. Search for and download a text message backup app such as Txtract, SMS Backup + or Sprite Backup for Android.

3. Open the backup app by tapping its icon. In Sprite Backup, tap 'Backup.' Choose where you want to save the texts, such as to the device's memory, a flash card or an online backup account such as Dropbox. Choose 'SMS' and 'MMS' as the files you want saved. Click 'Backup' in the upper right corner.

4. Tap 'Advanced Settings,' then 'Backup Settings' if you're using the SMS Backup app. Choose a save location, such as your phone's memory or your Gmail or Google Calendar accounts, then close 'Advanced Settings.' Be sure to enter your personal Gmail info under 'Advanced Settings' if you opt to save to Gmail or Google Calendar. Tap the 'Backup' button to backup the SMS messages.

5. Check the box next to 'Txtract' and any other data boxes you want to save, then tap 'Extract' if you're using the Txtract app. The text messages are compiled into a single HTML file and saved on the phone's microSD card. If your phone doesn't have a microSD card, you must use a different app.

How to Share Pics on My Android Via Facebook

1. Open the 'Camera' app on your Android phone and take a picture. A preview of the image will appear on the view screen after you snap the picture.

2. Tap the image preview to bring up menu options on the Android screen. Tap 'Share.'

3. Slide your finger up or down to scroll through the list of applications that support image sharing. Locate and tap 'Facebook.'

4. Enter a caption for your image and click 'Upload.' Your Android phone will upload the image to your Facebook account. The photo will be saved in the 'Mobile' album.

How to Set Up Outlook With Exchange Server

Set Up Microsoft Exchange Server Manually

1. Open Outlook and navigate to the Control Panel. Click on 'Mail and Fax' to see the profiles you already have set up.

2. Click 'Show Profiles' and choose the one you want to change. Click on 'Properties.'

3. Locate the 'Services' tab and click on the 'Add Service' button. Here you'll be able to add Exchange Server to your profile. Choose 'Microsoft Exchange Server' from the dialog box and hit 'OK.'

4. Enter your Exchange Server information, including the name of the server and your specific mailbox name. If you've never used your mailbox, it's a good idea to check to make sure it's all set. You can do this by clicking on 'Properties' in the Exchange Server profile. Go to 'General' and 'Check Name.' If the server and mailbox name are underlined, you're good to go.

Choose Settings

5. Choose your connection settings. Go to 'Show Profiles,' 'Microsoft Exchange Server' and 'Properties.' In the 'General' tab, you choose how you want to work with messages. By default, Outlook and Exchange will work online, but you can change this to 'Work offline' and choose a connection type every time you log in.

6. Set security and encryption preferences in the 'Advanced' tab. If you will be working primarily offline, then de-select the 'Use Network Security During Logon' box and select the 'When Using Dial-up Networking' box in the Encrypt Information choices.

7. Click the 'Offline Folder Settings' button to choose the encryption settings for your offline files. You can choose to not encrypt, use the default encryption setting or encrypt with a high degree of protection. High encryption is great from a security standpoint, but it makes it tough to compress files.

8. Set a time of day when you will connect to the Internet to get messages from your remote mailboxes. In the 'Settings' panel, click the 'Remote Mail' tab. Click 'Schedule' and enter a time in the 'check at' box. Alternatively, you can choose how frequently to check your mail by adding a time interval in the 'Every' box. Click 'OK' to save your settings.

How to Hide an Application on an Android

1. Press the 'Home' button on your Android phone to open the Home screen.

2. Swipe the screen left or right to find the application that you want to remove if it is not on the first screen.

3. Touch the application that you want to remove and hold it until it starts to vibrate. Don't remove your finger while the application's icon is vibrating. The Launcher icon at the bottom of the screen automatically turns into a Trash Can icon.

4. Drag the application's icon into the Trash Can icon. The Trash Can turns red.

5. Remove your finger to complete the operation. Repeat the process to hide other applications.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

How to Switch an Android Keyboard From Portrait to Landscape

1. Navigate to an area that has a text box, such as the address bar of the Web browser or the text messaging application, while holding your phone in portrait orientation.

2. Tap inside of the text box to place a cursor inside of it. The touch-screen keyboard will automatically appear in portrait orientation.

3. Turn the entire smartphone to landscape orientation, and the keyboard will automatically along with it.

How to Shake to Shuffle on a W580i

1. Push 'Menu' and select 'Walkman.' Select 'More' and then select 'My Music.'

2. Browse through your songs. Push the left soft key for 'Open' to play a song.

3. Push and hold the 'W' symbol on the left side of the phone's control panel.

4. Gently shake the phone up and down for a second or two. This activates the shuffle feature. The music player will shuffle the tracks and move to another song.

5. Push the 'Stop' button to stop playing music. Push 'Play' if you want to play music again. Exit the Walkman music player by pushing and holding 'Back.'

Friday, May 16, 2014

I Cannot Send AOL Mail on My Android

Incorrect Setup

When Android users set up their email accounts on the device through the default mail client, they are asked to select what type of account they are setting up as far as the email provider is concerned. Many Android phones come with an option for setting up AOL mail by tapping the AOL mail account option, and setting up the AOL account any other way can cause problems with sending and receiving AOL mail on the device. Users experiencing issues with sending AOL mail on their Android device should check the email account settings to ensure that the AOL option is selected.

Wrong Outgoing Server

Although many Android devices may have the option to automatically set up AOL mail, others require manual configuration. When configuring AOL mail on the Android manually, it is crucial to type in the correct outgoing server, as the outgoing server ensures that emails sent through AOL are delivered to their recipients. According to AOL, the correct outgoing server for AOL mail on mobile devices is or By using any other outgoing server address, the AOL mail will not be sent.

Wrong Port

Using the correct port when manually configuring AOL mail on an Android phone is also important, as email service providers have only one port through which email can be sent. The outgoing mail server port refers to the specific location of the outgoing mail server and is used with the outgoing mail server address to ensure delivery of emails sent through AOL mail. The correct outgoing mail server port is 465 or 587.

Wrong Server Type

Depending on the email provider, email can be set up on an Android device on the Exchange, IMAP or POP3 email servers. POP3 is commonly used for accounts through email providers such as Yahoo and Hotmail while Exchange is mostly used in corporate environments. In the case of AOL mail, setting up the AOL account as POP3 or Exchange will mean that emails cannot typically be sent as AOL supports IMAP. Users who have checked the other relevant settings and still cannot send AOL emails often find that they have not configured the AOL account as an IMAP account.

How to Make Body Wrap Slimming Gel

Making Slimming Gel for Oily Skin

1. Boil the 2 cups of water in a medium-sized pot.

2. Add the 1/4 cup of sea salt to the pot of water and stir until it is dissolved.

3. Add the 2 tbsp. of olive oil to the mixture, stirring thoroughly.

4. Add the 1 cup of green clay to the water, stirring thoroughly. This will be thick, but constant stirring will smooth it out and create a sort of paste. Adjust the amount of water to make the paste into a sticky, but spreadable mixture. Set it aside, allowing it to cool slightly.

5. Take a warm shower immediately before wrapping to open your body's pores.

6. Spread the towels on the floor where you plan to be lying and wrapping yourself.

7. Spread the paste over your entire body (except your face) once it has cooled enough to touch. Feel free to spread it with your hands.

8. Wrap the thin plastic wrap around your individual limbs of your body where you have applied the gel. If you don't have plastic wrap, use gauze. Make sure it is tight enough to not slip off your body, but loose enough not to strangle or cut off your circulation. Leave the wrap on for an hour, simply lying there, and then remove it, taking a cooler shower to close the pores again and clean yourself off.

Making Slimming Gel for Dry Skin

9. Scrape the pulp out of your very ripe avocado. Scoop it into a medium-sized pot.

10. Add 1 cup of heavy cream into the pot, stirring it together with the avocado pulp.

11. Add 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel to the mixture and stir thoroughly until it is a spreadable paste. Add more cream if the consistency of the paste is not to your liking yet. This will thin it depending on how much cream is added.

12. Follow steps 5 through 8 in Section 1 to finish the procedure for this slimming gel as well.

How to Add Phone Numbers From Facebook on an Android

1. Press 'Applications.' Press the 'My Accounts' icon.

2. Press the 'Facebook' icon.

3. Type in your Facebook log-in email address and password. Press 'Next.'

4. Press 'Done' to complete the process of adding your Facebook account to your Android phone.

5. Press 'Contacts' to view your contacts. Your Facebook contacts with listed phone numbers will now appear alongside your other contacts.

How to Backup Your Android to a PC


The USB end of your phone's cable will look like this.

Connect your phone to a computer using the USB connection cable. The smaller end of the cable will fit into the phone's connection port, while the USB end will go into the computer.

2. Wait for the 'Connect to PC' dialog box to appear on your phone.

3. Select 'Disk Drive' and press 'Done.'

4. Wait several seconds before opening up 'My Computer.' Here, your phone's memory card and internal memory will be displayed as accessible storage locations.

5. Open up new windows for both storage locations. On the storage card and internal memory, use your mouse to highlight all of the files you want to back up.

6. Use your mouse to drag those files onto your computer's desktop. This will cue up a file transfer progress bar --- once the bar disappears from your desktop, the files will be backed up from your Android phone.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to Download the Android Lock Without Cydia

1. Tap the iTunes App Store icon on your iPhone. Press the 'Search' icon on the bottom toolbar.

2. Type the phrase 'Android Lock' into the Search bar. Press the 'Search' button on the keyboard to initiate a search.

3. Press the application you want to download from the list of options such as Lock Screen Maker, Do Not Touch and Magic Lock Screen.

4. Tap the 'Free' or the price icon in the top right corner. The button changes to a green 'Install' button. Tap the 'Install' button. Enter your iTunes passcode to confirm you want to download the program.

How to Upload iTunes From a MacBook to an Android

iTunes Playlist Transfer

1. Turn on your computer, log in, and start iTunes. Arrange the music you want to transfer into a playlist. Make sure that the total size of the songs does not exceed the capacity of your storage card. The file size is displayed on the bottom of the iTunes window.

2. Insert your MicroSD card into your Android phone. Turn on your phone. Plug the USB cable into the phone and the computer. On the phone's pop-up menu, select 'USB mass storage.'

3. Double-click the new drive that appears on the desktop. Right-click or Command-click in the 'Finder' window and select 'New Folder.' Name it whatever you like.

4. Click inside the iTunes playlist and press 'Command-A.' Click and drag the songs into the new folder in the 'Finder' window. Wait for the copy function to finish.

5. Unplug the Android phone from the USB cable. Start the 'Music' application and wait for it to scan the SD card. The music from your iTunes playlist will appear in the music library.

Can You Use MOBI Files on a NOOK?

Supported File Formats

The Nook is able to open and display the following file formats directly: EPUB, PDF, PPS and PPT presentation files; TXT, DOC, DOCM and DOCX document files; XLS, PPSM, XLX, PPTX, XLSM, PPTM, PPSX, JPG, GIF, PNG and BMP image files; and MP3 and MP4 music files. The Nook is not able to open and display the following file formats: LIT, AMZ used on the Amazon Kindle and LRZ/LRX used on the Sony Reader Digital Book.


To convert a MOBI file for use on your Nook, you must complete the conversion using your computer and transfer the converted file to a SecureDigital card for loading into your Nook. Navigate your computer's Internet browser to the 'Convert Text to the ePub ebook Format' link ( and click the 'Browse' button under the heading 'Upload your document you want to convert to EPUB:' or if the MOBI file is stored on a Website or Web server, enter the entire Web address in the box under 'Or enter URL of the file you want to convert to EPUB:.' Click the down arrow next 'Target ebook reader:' and click 'Nook.' Click the 'Convert' button to start the conversion process. Click 'Save' or 'Save File' when the 'Opening XXXXX.epub' dialog box appears -- with the 'XXXXX's' representing the file's specific name. The converter automatically changes the file into a EPUB file for use on your Nook.

SecureDigital Transfer

Insert a SD card into your computer's SD card slot or a SD memory card holder. Your computer's operating system will detect the card or memory card holder. Click 'Start' and 'My Computer,' If using Windows. Double-click the SD or memory card holder's disk icon to open the device's Explorer window. If using a Mac, the SD card or memory card holder's icon will appear on your Mac's Desktop. Click the icon to open the device's window. Navigate to the location of the converted EPUB file. Click and drag the file to the SD card or memory card holder's open window.

SD Card Removal Process

To remove the SD card or SD memory card holder device, click the up arrow to the left of your Windows' system clock then click the icon that is a picture of a Universal Serial Bus cable. Double-click the SD card's entry to disconnect the device. Remove the SD card or memory card holder when the message 'Safe to Remove Hardware' appears. If using a Mac, click and drag the SD card or memory card holder's icon to the Trash can. Remove the SD card or memory card holder When the device's icon is no longer on the Desktop. Insert the SD card into your Nook's SD slot and follow the on-screen prompts to transfer the converted file into the e-book reading device.

How to Run API Demos on Android

1. Download Android's Software Development Kit (SDK) to your computer from Android's website. Launch SDK and open the Android Virtual Device, which allows you to model an Android device on your computer.

2. Select 'Available Packages' in the SDK's left window, bringing up a list of components you can download from the SDK. Click on the appropriate samples -- API Demos is the samples directory -- verify your choices and click 'Install' again. SDK will install the components of the samples on your virtual Android system.

3. Open Eclipse, Google's Android-environment emulator, and run the code for the selected samples. Once you understand the code, you can incorporate it into your own apps or modify it to something more useful to you. When you've incorporated the code into your work, run everything on the emulator again to confirm it performs properly.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to Install a CAB File

1. Download the CAB file to your personal computer or directly to your mobile phone. If your phone has Internet access, enter the URL for the website with your phone and download the CAB file directly to your phone.

2. If you downloaded the CAB file to your PC, transfer the file to your mobile phone by connecting the phone to your PC with a USB cord or Bluetooth connection. Place the CAB file in the main storage area of your phone.

3. Press the “Start” key on your mobile phone. Navigate to the files on your phone and browse to find the CAB file. Look in the “My Documents” folder or the “Programs” folder.

4. Highlight the CAB file when you find it and press the center “OK” button on your mobile phone. This will start the installation of the CAB file on your phone.

5. Follow any specific instructions you receive from the phone as the CAB file is installing. Open your Start menu to verify the program is installed and ready to use.

What Do the F1, F2 and F3 Mean on the Computer Keyboard?


The first of the function keys, numerically speaking, is the F1 key. In almost any program for any operating system, the F1 key also serves as the help key. When pressed, it will open the help menu for the program currently in use. In Microsoft Windows, pressing the F1 key along with the Windows key will open the Microsoft Windows help and support screen. It will open the Microsoft Office task pane if pressed with the CTRL key.


The F2 key has a number of functions unique to Microsoft Windows and its various programs. When an icon or other file is selected, the F2 key will give the user the option to rename it. In Microsoft Word, the F2 key can open a new document when pressed together with ALT and CTRL. The print preview feature of Microsoft Word can be accessed by pressing the F2 key and CTRL.


The F3 key is used in a variety of programs to open a search window. MS-DOS operating system users can use the F3 key to repeat the most recent command. In Microsoft Word, the F3 key used in conjunction with the Shift key can alter capitalization for an entire document. It has the ability to capitalize the entire text, as well as change all uppercase letters to lowercase. It can also capitalize just the first letter of every word.

Other Function Keys

The F4 through F12 keys perform a wide range of tasks as well. The F4 key will open a find window in most programs. The F5 key will refresh the current window in almost any Internet browser. In Microsoft Word, the F7 key will perform a spelling and grammer check and the F12 key will open the Save As menu. The Windows startup menu can be accessed using the F8 key. The F11 key is used to enter full-screen mode.

How to Get Android 2.2 Froyo For Samsung Captivate

Preparing Your Captivate

1. Download the ROM Manager app onto your rooted Captivate. It is free in the Android Marketplace. Install and open the application. Press 'Flash ClockworkMod Recovery.' Exit the application, and go to your computer.

2. Download a Froyo ROM onto your computer. A link to a popular Froyo ROM, Froyo Axura CE W/ Setiron 1.4.6, is available in the References section.

3. Save the ROM's .zip file to a location you will remember, such as your Desktop.

Installing Froyo onto Captivate

4. Plug your Captivate into your computer via the USB cable. On your Captivate, pull the drop-down menu on top of your home screen. Press 'USB Connected' to allow for the transfer of files from your computer to your phone. A dialogue screen will pop up on your computer asking you how you would like to interact with your phone. Click, 'Open folder to view files.' This will open your phone's H drive.

5. Navigate to the 'sd' folder in your H drive.

6. Drag your Froyo ROM .zip file into the 'sd' folder. At no point should you open the .zip file. It is important that the .zip file is copied into the 'sd' folder and not a subfolder.

7. Go back to the ROM Manager application on your Captivate. Press 'Install ROM from SD Card.' Navigate to the 'sd/' file, and open it. Select the Froyo ROM that you transferred.

8. Check the option to 'Backup Existing ROM,' which will pop up. Press 'Ok.' Wait while your Captivate backs up your existing ROM and settings and installs the new Froyo ROM. This process can take several minutes. Your phone will reboot with Froyo.

How to Turn Your Java Code Into Android Code

1. Click the Windows 'Start' button and type 'eclipse.exe' in the search text box. Press 'Enter' to find the file on the hard drive. After the file displays in the results window, double-click the file to start the program.

2. Click the 'File' menu item in the software. Click 'New,' then click 'Project.' A dialog window opens. Double-click the 'Android Project' option. Click 'Next' to open the Android configuration window.

3. Type a name for the Android project in the first text box. In the 'Build Target' section, check the Android version for which you want to develop. For instance, tables use version 3.0. Type a name for the package in 'Package Name.' Click 'Finish' to create the project and load the development interface.

4. Click the 'File' menu item. Click 'Open.' In the dialog window, click the Java file you want to convert. Click 'Open.' The dialog window includes the Java file in the Android application.

5. Click the 'Run' button in the Eclipse toolbar. The Java code runs and the results display in the Android emulator.

How to Import iCal on an Android

1. Start iCal from your OS X dock or Applications window. Click the calendar you want to export in the left-hand pane.

2. Click 'File,' then 'Export.' Save the ICS file to your desktop. Click the Safari shortcut on your dock, or your browser of choice.

3. Navigate to '' Log in with the email and password you use on your Android phone.

4. Click the gear logo in the top right corner, then click 'Calendar settings.' Click the 'Calendars' link. Click 'Import calendar.'

5. Click 'Browse. Click the ICS file you created in Step 2. Click 'Open.' Select which calendar you want to import the events to, then click 'Import.' Your events will be automatically synced to your Android phone.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How to Create a JAD From COD ALX

1. Open the 'Start' menu and type 'BlackBerry Desktop Manager.'

2. Click 'File,' then 'Import Application.'

3. Browse to your '.COD' or '.ALX' file on the hard drive. Click it, then click 'Open' to open the program.

4. Click 'Tools,' then 'JAD Export.'

5. Select a directory to export all JAD files to. Click 'OK' to perform the export.

How to Read Javascript Variables From WebView on the Android

1. Open the Eclipse Java software and the Android app you want to edit. Double-click the Java source code file that contains the WebView control.

2. Load the WebView URL. The following code opens a website page in the Android's viewer:webView.loadUrl('');Replace '' with the URL that contains the JavaScript variables.

3. Load the JavaScript Web settings. JavaScript is disabled by default, so you must enable JavaScript to view the variables. Add the following code to your function:WebSettings setup = webView.getSettings();


4. Retrieve the JavaScript variable you want to view. You must call the JavaScript function contained in the Web page to view the variables. Add the following code to retrieve the variables and the variables' values:webView.loadUrl('javascript:myfunction()');Replace 'myfunction' with the name of your JavaScript function.

How to Install Android Marketplace on an Archos Internet Tablet

1. Download gApps4Archos.apk. Search the Internet to find this file, and download it to your Archos tablet. Depending on which Android version your Archos is running, the file will be saved either to your desktop or your file system.

2. Open your file explorer app, and find the gApps4Archos.apk application. Select 'Launch' from the file explorer app. This begins installation of the gApps4Archos.apk app on your Archos.

3. Run the gApps4Archos.apk app. The gApps4Archos.apk app will be listed in your programs and can be launched by clicking its shortcut.

4. Follow setup instructions to install the Android Market. When launched, the gApps4Archos.apk app connects your Archos to an Internet site that automatically installs the Android Market.

5. Launch the Android Market.

How to Download Internet Movies on FilesTube

1. Visit the FilesTube website (see Resources section).

2. Enter the name of the movie you would like to download in the text field underneath the FilesTube logo, and click on 'Search.'

3. Scroll down the page until you see a result that matches the title of the movie that you are looking for. Click on that link and click on the 'Download' button to visit the website that hosts that file.

4. Click on the 'Download' option on the file-hosting website. Select 'Save' when the file download dialog box pops up. This will download the movie to your computer. It may take a few hours or more for the file to download, depending on the file size, speed of your computer and your Internet connection.

Monday, May 12, 2014

How to Connect Pixma MP495 to Android Phone

1. Tap the Android Market icon on your phone's main menu.

2. Download and install the Canon Easy-Photo Print app.

3. Launch Canon Easy-Photo Print. The app will locate your PIXMA MP495 printer automatically.

4. Tap “Images” to access the photo library on your phone. Scroll through your images and tap the photo you want to print.

5. Tap the “Print” button. The “Print Settings” screen will appear and your PIXMA MP495 will be displayed in the “Printer” drop-down menu.

6. Select your preferred paper size, paper type and margin settings, and then click the “Print” button. Your selected photo will print automatically.

How to Calculate a Lunar Birth Date

1. Collect the relevent birth information. You will need to know the month, day, and year of the person whose lunar birth date you wish to calculate.

2. Go to China Caps' lunar birth date calculator at This website hosts the most well known lunar birth date calculator. Insert the person's birth information under '1. Enter Gregorian Date of Your Birth.'

3. Press 'Enter' on your keyboard.

4. The fourth row from the top lists your 'Chinese Date of Your Birthday.' The result will list your cycle, your Chinese year, the Gregorian year, and the month and date of your lunar calendar birth.

5. Interpret your results. Aslaksen explains that the 'cycle' refers to which of the nineteen year cycles your birthday falls under. Every twentieth year the lunar calendar enters a new cycle. Someone born in 1970 and someone born in 1990 will be born in different cycles. The 'Chinese year' refers to which animal is assigned to your birth year. You might be a rabbit, an ox, a tiger, or another animal. The month and date of your birth is assigned according to how many days and months after the Chinese New Year you were born. As the Chinese New Year's date on the Gregorian calendar changes from year to year, two people born on March 20 in two separate years according to the Gregorian calendar will not have the same lunar calendar birth day and month.

How to Play Facebook Games on an Android

Android 2.2

1. Open the application launcher and scroll down to the 'Market' app and tap it. Tap the search button (the magnifying glass icon) and type 'Adobe Flash,' then press 'Search.' Tap the 'Adobe Flash' app, tap 'Install' and then 'OK' to accept the permissions. Wait for the app to install.

2. Press the home button (shaped like a house) on your phone. Tap the browser icon. Browse to Facebook (type 'facebook' into the address bar, then press 'Go') and log in to your account. Type 'farmville' (or any other Facebook game) in the Facebook search box. Tap the Farmville icon from the list of search results. Tap the 'Go to Application' button on the Farmville page.

3. Long-press (hold down your finger) on the loading Farmville screen. Select 'Play in Full Screen' from the pop-up window. Play Farmville.

Android 2.1 and Earlier

4. Open the Application Launcher on your Android phone. Scroll to the 'Market' app and press it. Tap the magnifying glass icon to search, then type in 'Zynga' and press 'Search.'

5. Scroll through the list of apps to find the app you want. As of 2010, Zynga has only published a poker app that will interface with the Facebook version of the same game. Tap the game you wish to install then tap the 'Install' button, then the 'OK' button to accept the permissions. Wait for the app to download and install.

6. Open the application launcher and tap on the icon for the game you just installed. Log in when prompted to connect your Android app to your Facebook profile.

How to Clear a Search History in the Android Market

1. Press the 'Home' button to access the Home screen of your Android.

2. Press the 'Menu' button, press 'Settings,' then press 'Applications.'

3. Press 'Manage Applications,' then press 'All.' Scroll down and select 'Market.'

4. Press the 'Clear Cache' button to clear the Android Market search history.

How to Restore Deleted Apps

BlackBerry App World

1. Open the 'BlackBerry App World' from you mobile phone by clicking 'Applications,' then 'App World.'

2. Click to select the 'My World' icon.

3. Click 'Menu,' 'Login' and enter your App World icon.

4. Highlight the application you would like to reinstall

5. Press the 'Menu' button on your phone.

6. Click 'Install.' The application will be reinstalled on your phone.

Apple App Store

7. Log in to your iTunes account using the account you used when purchased the app.

8. Highlight the app you wish to reinstall and touch 'Buy App.'

9. Touch 'OK' when purchase dialog box appears.

10. Touch 'OK' when to the 'Update now' dialog box.

Android Market

11. Open the 'Android Market' from you mobile phone.

12. Touch the app you would like to reinstall.

13. Touch 'Install' from the application home screen. Your app will be reinstalled to your device.

How to Change the Default Login for Google Talk on an Android Phone

1. Press the 'Menu' button while on the home screen. Tap 'Settings.' On some phones, you need to tap 'More' before 'Settings.'

2. Tap 'Privacy.'

3. Tap 'Factory Data Reset.'

4. Tap 'Reset Phone' and 'Erase Everything.' Wait for the phone to restore. Enter a different Google account when the phone restarts.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

How to Transfer My BlackBerry Contacts to My Android

1. Launch a Web browser and navigate to the Google Sync home page (see Resources).

2. Click the 'Download' link for BlackBerry.

3. Enter your BlackBerry phone number and then click 'Send a text message to your phone.' You will need to complete the remaining steps using your BlackBerry device.

4. Open the text message containing the Google Sync installer and click 'Get link' and then 'Download.' The Google Sync program will be downloaded and installed automatically.

5. Select the Google Sync icon on your BlackBerry home screen once the installation has completed.

6. Enter your Google account user name and password and then click 'Log in.'

7. Select 'Options' and ensure that 'Contacts' is set to enabled in the 'Sync' section of the preferences dialog. You can also use Google Sync to sync your calendar to the Web-based Google Calendar used by Android phones, but if that feature is unneeded, be sure to deselect that option.

8. Click 'Sync Now' to sync your BlackBerry contacts to Google Contacts. Once the sync is complete and your contacts have been transferred to Google Contacts, they will be available in your Android address book.

How to Combine Layouts on the Android

1. Open the Eclipse Android development software from the Windows 'Start' menu and open your Android project.

2. Double-click the 'layout.xml' file that contains the layout you want to merge. The beginning of the layout.xml file has a 'FrameLayout' root tag.

3. Replace the 'FrameLayout' root tag with the 'merge' tag. Change the ending '

' with '

' as well.

4. Save the changes and click the 'Run' button in Eclipse to view the changes to your layout document.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to Reinstall the OS on a BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220

Reinstalling the OS of a BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220

1. Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.

2. Connect the device to your computer using the USB cord.

3. Once the device is connected, select 'Back up and Restore.'

4. Select 'Back up' to perform a full backup.

5. Save the backup file in your documents folder on your computer.

6. Leave the device plugged in, then click 'Application Loader.'

7. Select 'Next.' Note: Once the Blackberry Desktop Manager configures the device, the OS will already be pre-selected. Scroll through the application list and de-select any unwanted applications.

8. Click the 'Advanced' button on the next screen.

9. Click 'Next' once you are able to verify that the boxes labeled 'Delete all application data' and 'Delete all currently installed applications' are checked.

10. Once installation of OS is complete, re-open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.

11. Click 'Back up and Restore.'

12. Click on 'Restore' to find the backed up file previously saved.

13. Click 'Restore' to complete.

14. Click the 'Manage Connections' icon.

15. Click 'Mobile Network' to enable the voice and data features of the device.

Friday, May 9, 2014

How to Change the Android Voice Mail Setting

1. Obtain the voice mail access number from your wireless carrier. Find it on the support section of the carrier's website or by contacting the technical support department.

2. Press the 'Menu' button on the main screen of your Android phone.

3. Touch 'Settings' and tap 'Call settings.'

4. Tap 'Voicemail settings' and enter the access number.

5. Touch 'OK' to confirm.

How to Set a Text Message Signature for an HTC Android Device

1. Unlock your HTC device and press the '+' button to open the application launcher. Tap the 'Market' icon. Touch the magnifying glass, and then type in the name of the SMS app you want to use on your device and then press 'Enter.' Touch the listing for your app, and then tap 'Download.' Press 'Accept and Download' to install the application on your device. Press 'Open' once it's installed.

2. Press the 'Menu' button, and then select 'Settings' to see the options for setting up your SMS application to use a signature. If you're using the Handscent app, tap 'Send Message Settings.' If you're using Go SMS, touch 'Message Settings' or in ChompSMS tap 'Messaging.'

3. Select 'Signature,' and then type in the signature that you want to use with your text messages. Tap 'OK' to apply the settings to all your outgoing messages.

How to Sync Contacts Between an Android a Nokia

1. Go to the Nokia phone. Load your 'MfE' folder. Launch your Mail for Exchange application on your phone.

2. Select 'Yes' when the Nokia prompts you to create a syncing profile. Click 'Connection.' Type '' into the Exchange server field. Confirm that the secure connection section is set to 'Yes,' your access point is set to your data connection for your Nokia and the port is set to 'Default.'

3. Click 'Credentials.' Type your full Google account email into the log-in field. Input the password for the account. Click 'Always On' so your data always syncs. Go to the 'Contacts' tab. Select 'Enable.'

4. Go to your Android phone. Tap your 'All Applications' button and go to 'My Accounts.' Tap your Google account that you just synced your Nokia contacts to. Tap 'Sync Contacts' if it is not already synced. When your Nokia syncs its contacts to your Google account, the contacts are pulled into your Android phone.

How to Install a .Scr File

1. Download the .scr file to a folder or to your desktop. Right-click on the file.

2. Select 'Install' from the contextual menu. The screen saver options menu appears.

3. Click on 'Settings' and adjust the screen saver's settings, if applicable.

4. Choose the amount of idle time required before the screen saver is activated -- the default is 10 minutes.

5. Click on 'OK' to activate the screen saver.

How to Reinstall System Preferences

1. Download and install 'Pacifist.'

2. Click 'Applications,' then double-click 'Pacifist.'

3. Insert your Mac OS X installation disc into your disc rive.

4. Expand the 'Contents of' the following archives: 'OSInstall... > EssentialSystemSoftware > EssentialSystemSoftwareGroup > Essentials.'

5. Select 'System' and click 'Install.' The app will now reinstall to your computer. Restart your computer when prompted.

How to Sync Your Android Phone with Windows 7

1. Turn on your computer and Android phone. There will be a power button on the front or side of the Android phone depending upon the model and carrier. The computer will have a power button on the front as well. Wait for both to go through their startup procedures before advancing to the next step.

2. Plug a USB cable into the USB port on your computer. Then plug the other end of the USB cable into the Android smart phone. Some models of Android smart phones will have the USB port behind a rubber seal. If so, peel the seal back with your finger nail and slot the USB plug into the port underneath.

3. Click 'USB Storage Device' when you computer prompts you with a pop up menu. Even though you will be syncing the phone via Windows Media Player later, you must first authorize the phone to act like a store device. The Android smart phone will then appear as a drive icon on your desktop.

4. Double-click on your Windows Media Player icon in your Start menu. Click on the 'Sync' tab on the top, this will display a list of phones currently attached to the computer. There should be none at this point. Click the white box and then select 'Set Up Sync' in the drop-down menu. Type in the name of the Android smart phone (you named the phone when you first set it up). Click 'Finish' and then wait for the Windows Media Player to inventory the music database on the phone.

5. Synchronize the music between the computer and the Android smart phone. Do not disconnect the phone while it is transferring or it could corrupt the music file. If you do have to disconnect the phone, reconnect it and re-sync the Android smart phone as soon as possible to repair the damaged files. There will be no long term hardware damage.