Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Learn 10 New English Words Every Day

1. Choose the 10 words you would like to learn ahead of time. You could work a week ahead, a month ahead or even establish a list of 10 words for the next several months. A dictionary or thesaurus are ideal sources for the words.

2. Dedicate one index card per word. Write the word on one side of the card and the definition on the back.

3. On the back of the card, write a sample sentence that contains proper usage of the word.

4. Write out the pronunciation below the word on the front of the card.

5. Quiz yourself on the definitions and proper usage of each day's words. Try to quiz yourself several times a day.

6. Challenge yourself to use each word in conversation each day.

7. Review all past words weekly and monthly, in addition to the new words learned daily, to help retain the knowledge.

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