Friday, February 1, 2013

How to Calculate the Anti

1. Find the logarithms key on your calculator. This is the basis for finding the anti-log. Almost all scientific calculators will have a button called 'Log' for this function.

2. Examine your calculator to find out its notation for anti-log. There are a few standard formats: most calculators will have 'Alog,' 'Log-1' or '10^x' somewhere on the panel. A common place that you may see one of these notations is right above your 'Log' key.

3. Enter the number that you want to find the anti-log for using the numbers on your calculator keypad.

4. Press the 'Alog,' 'Log-1' or '10^x' button on your calculator if you have one. This should give you the anti-log of your number. If you do not have one of these keys, proceed to the next step.

5. Press the 'Second' or 'Shift' function on your calculator if you do not see one of the common anti-log notations just above your 'Log' key. This is a little like using a shift key on your computer to get a capital letter instead of a lowercase one.

6. Press the 'Log' key immediately after pressing the 'Second' or 'Shift' key. By pressing the 'Second' key along with your 'Log' key, you can calculate the anti-log instead of the log.

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