Monday, July 21, 2014

How to Flash Android ROM OSX

1. Download the ZIP file for the ROM you want to flash. Users have numerous options for ROMs, which can be found on third-party development sites such as XDA-Developers. Each ROM is developed for a specific phone, so no ROM exists that could work on every phone. Every ROM has custom features, but in general, look for ones that allow you to apply custom overlays or offer better processing performance.

2. Connect your phone to your computer with the USB cable.

3. Place the phone into 'Disk Mode' and copy the ZIP file onto the SD card.

4. Turn off your phone. Simultaneously hold down the 'Volume Down' and 'Power' buttons to boot the phone into HBOOT mode. A text menu that displays several prompts.

5. Use the volume rocker and select 'Recovery.' Press the trackball to enter recovery mode.

6. Select 'Install ZIP from SDcard' and press 'Choose ZIP from SDcard.' Your SD card's contents will be shown, including the ROM package that was transferred over earlier. Select this file. You'll be asked to confirm whether you want to install the file.

7. Confirm the ROM installation to cue up an installation progress bar. Once this bar disappears, your ROM will be ready. Restart the phone to end the installation process.

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