Thursday, July 10, 2014

How to Install an XPI File

1. Find the program/add-on you want to install on your Firefox browser and download the file to your Windows mobile desktop. It doesn't matter what version of Windows that you're using, as the program is meant for your Firefox installation, not for your desktop OS.

2. Make sure you have a new Firefox window open. If you don't have the browser open, launch it from your desktop or any other location on your PC.

3. Drag the XPI file you have downloaded on your computer to your browser window by holding down your left mouse button over the XPI file and using your mouse to drag the file directly into the middle of your browser screen and then letting go of your left mouse button.

4. Click the 'Yes' option when asked if it's okay to install the file on the browser.

5. Wait for the XPI file to complete the install process. Firefox will then tell you that it's necessary to perform a browser restart for the changes to take place; click the 'Restart' button when it appears. Wait for your browser to close and reopen after pushing 'Restart.' Your XPI file is now installed.

6. Verify that the file is installed by clicking on 'Tools' via the top of your Firefox broswer. You should then see the application on the list.

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