Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to Create External Links in Flash CS3

1. Create a link from a block of text. After opening your Flash project, locate the text you want to link. Click the 'Text Tool' icon in the left-hand menu bar, then highlight the desired line(s) of text. While the text remains highlighted, direct your attention to the Property Inspector at the bottom of your screen. (If you do not see this, click 'Window' in the menu at the top of your screen, then select 'Properties.' Choose the Properties option in the slide-out menu.) At the bottom-center of the Property Inspector you will see a blank field with a chain-link icon next to it. Click inside this field and type the URL of the external page to which you want to link. Click anywhere outside the Property Inspector once you finish.

2. Save and export your Flash project. Exporting and testing the project will confirm that the link works as expected. Select the 'File' option from the toolbar at the top of your screen and click 'Save.' Next, select 'File' and click 'Export,' then select 'Export Movie.' In the dialog box, choose the folder where your movie should be saved, then enter its file name. Next, click the drop-down menu below the file name box and choose the 'Flash Movie' option. Click 'Save,' then click 'OK' on the following screen. A progress bar will pop up on the screen, then disappear after the export finishes.

3. Locate the movie file you created in the previous step, then double-click the file to open it. Next, find the link you created and click it. The link points to the external webpage address you entered in Step 1.

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