Sunday, March 17, 2013

Google Android App Development


The Google Android development tools include the Software Development Kit (SDK), which provides the resources necessary for developing and debugging Android apps. The official tools are designed to be used through the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin works in conjunction with Eclipse, allowing developers to create Android apps and deploy them on virtual devices using the Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager. The Eclipse program is free to download and provides an interface between the developer and the development tools for Android.


Android apps can involve a range of technologies and programming languages. Developers can implement program logic and interactivity using Java and XML. XML files within an Android application can define data and user interface elements. Android apps can also connect to additional technologies, such as databases using the SQLite system. Android apps can optionally exploit Internet access within user devices to connect to Web services, such as to query Web databases or carry out Web services. The Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) utility within the ADT plugin provides developers with access to a variety of tools for debugging Android apps.


Android apps result from a specific series of exporting processes. In Eclipse, developers can export their apps as Android Package (APK) files, which allow the apps to be installed and run on Android devices. To export Android apps for release through the Android Market and installation by other users, developers must go through the signing and versioning process. Signing involves using a key to encrypt an exported app. Versioning is the process of applying specific version numbers to each release of an app, allowing user devices to identify upgraded versions of apps already installed.


To publish Android apps on the Market, developers need a Google Android Publisher account. Once this is set up, developers can upload their apps for release through the Market. Developers can decide to charge a fixed fee for their apps, or they can release them for free. Once an app is listed in the Market, an Android device user can browse and locate it, view information about it -- including reviews from past users -- and then decide whether to purchase or download the app for use on his own device. Android devices have an app already installed for browsing the Market store, so that is the main avenue for releasing apps on the platform.

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