Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to Install Android OS on an iPod Touch

1. Go to the Ubuntu home directory on your computer and create a new folder named 'openiboot.' Unpack the Openiboot archive inside of the new folder.

2. Go to 'Applications,' click 'Accessories' and run the 'Terminal' application on your computer. The terminal is similar to the Command Prompt in Microsoft Windows. Run this command in the Terminal:cd ~/openiboot

sudo suType the password you use to log in to your Ubuntu operating system. This grants elevated privileges to OpeniBoot.

3. Use the USB data transfer to connect your iPod touch to the computer. Double-click the VMware icon to open the program on your computer. Click the 'VM' tab, navigate to 'Removable Devices' and click the 'Connect' button on the iPod item.

4. Open the OpeniBoot service on the iPod touch by running this command in the Ubuntu Terminal:./loadibec openiboot.img3The program will pop up on the iPod's screen. Click the upper left button once to go to the Console and then click the Home button once.

5. Gain access to the iPod by running this command in the Terminal:./oibcThe text you see on your iPod's screen is now visible in the Ubuntu Terminal.

6. Run this command in the Terminal as soon as the 'Welcome to OpeniBoot' message pops up:installThis command installs OpeniBoot on your iPod touch.

7. Extract the iDroid archive ( on your computer. This will create a folder containing the 'android.img.gz,' 'cache.img,' 'ramdisk.img,' 'system.img,' 'userdata.img' and 'zImage' files. Copy these files on the iPod. Use the iFunbox application to copy them from the iPod storage to the 'root/private/var' folder.

8. Open the Wi-Fi Settings on the iPod touch and tap the blue arrow to see its IP. Write it down on a piece of paper.

9. Double-click the WinSCP icon in Ubuntu to start the program and enter the iPod touch's IP in the 'Host Name' box. Use 'root' as Username and 'alpine' as Password. Select 'SCP' as the File Protocol and press the 'Log In' button. The WinSCP file manager will connect to the iPod and display the folders on the right side of your screen.

10. Navigate to the 'root/private/var' folder, right-click on one of the Android files, select 'Properties' and change the Permissions to '777.' Repeat this procedure on the rest of the six files.

11. Disconnect the iPod touch from the computer and reboot the device. OpeniBoot will start during the boot process and ask you what operating system to run. Select 'Android.'

12. Select 'Home' as the 'Launcher,' and Android will start booting. It will boot every time you restart the Pod touch.

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