Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What Is Google SDK?


Android, Google's smartphone operating system, has expanded to include tablet PCs and some notebooks. Lightweight and fast compared to Windows, Google designed Android on the Linux OS framework. This makes Android far more secure than other operating systems, as Linux remains far less vulnerable to security breeches than other operating systems. Android makes use of a Google-derived version of Java that optimizes battery performance and memory management on host devices.

Google Android SDK

As its name implies, Google Android SDK allows programmers to develop software that works on the Android operating system. It provides an Android emulator and a virtual machine that runs on a Linux kernel, both components that imitate the Android OS to see how your software runs within that operating system. Google also provides development tools and software libraries required for Android applications.

Google App Engine SDK

Small programs and widgets that serve a wide variety of purposes, some apps fall into the category of Web apps, meaning a user will access the program via the Internet. Google hosts these Web apps itself, and provides the Google App Engine SDK for developers to use. Providing several tools for programmers, Google provides this SDK for various programming languages, including Java and Python.

Google Analytics SDK for Android

Intended for those who maintain apps on the Android Market, Google Analytics SDK for Android allows developers to track specifics of the use of marketed apps. This SDK provides information on application page views, tracking of e-commerce through apps and the tracking of specific events within applications. Developers can set up specialized circumstances to track, such as the use of a certain feature within an app. Developers can anonymize results to protect each user's privacy. This SDK package can help a programmer know if his marketing campaign has been successful.

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